Been my sig day 1. It'll never changeI fucking love that your sig is praising suenig. After every bit of racist nazi garbage you post, there's the little line praising the jackass just like he deserves.
Been my sig day 1. It'll never changeI fucking love that your sig is praising suenig. After every bit of racist nazi garbage you post, there's the little line praising the jackass just like he deserves.
Yeah, Timothy mcveigh didn't leave much of a warning...The guy who was arrested putting his boots up on Pelosi's desk, quote "said he took an envelope with Pelosi’s letterhead from the desk, leaving behind a quarter to cover its cost."
We whiteys are so damn polite. We not only reimburse stationery stolen with monetary reprieval, we let city blocks know that they've got 15 minutes before we make it explode via a van so they can get out of Dodge unharmed.
After all...Are you fucking stupid? Did you vote for Lanx as mod? Are you still trusting the plan?
This is the fucking Navy now. Yes, they absolutely will go along with the Dems.
Sailor by day, performer by night — meet the Navy’s drag queen, ‘Harpy Daniels’
Years before he became a yeoman 3rd class, Joshua Kelley was entertaining raucous crowds under his drag
Yeah, but the right is majority here!The vast majority of the complaining here is done by the loudest "anti-socialist" voices.
I didn't tag you and you still replied in 5 minutes LoL! Hodj was obsessed and everyone could see it... now they see it about you its threadbanned
This is what I keep telling you...stop paying taxes. Go to jail. Make THEM pay for US.Or start taking from the system with both hands as fast as you can. Get foodstamps, get disability, divorce your wife and put her on welfare, have kids max to the gills their student loans and don't pay a dime on it, etc.
@Foler you know when the dude blows his load on your face etc, and it collects around your collar bones etc?
The amod who handled and was the most janitorial for the last 6 months is a lefty? Wait, how does that work!
Isn't being Jew literally a choice you make? You dont have to follow Judaism.
You should try being a Russian in America. We dont even get the Jew pity points.
The amod who handled and was the most janitorial for the last 6 months is a lefty? Wait, how does that work!
They have this thing, maybe you have heard of it. Its called a Russian Jew. New York. Maybe you have heard of this place.
You aren't chain banned.
You're banned.
Your ban wears off.
You return immediately to the thread and continue shitting it up.
You are banned again.
This isn't rocket science. Maybe you should stop shitting up threads.