Retard Dumping Ground


<Gold Donor>

I know we have a few people that still believe the government just started lying to us and that our current science is real. It has been lying to us the entire time and that includes government funded science (the majority of it for over 100 years). The only fix is less government and less funding for their initiatives.

Less government is always the answer.
  • 1Worf
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Why is that alienating white people is seen as a laudable goal when it always results in the failure of the product? Has anything that was supposed to generate white tears commercially succeeded?

Because Jews don't care if they lose money if it means the population is influenced to be a little more critical of White Europeans, and it's working.

Little nudges from social media, entertainnent, academia, etc all add up over time.
  • 1Seriously?
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<Gold Donor>
Because Jews don't care if they lose money if it means the population is influenced to be a little more critical of White Europeans, and it's working.

Nudges from social media, entertainnent, academia, etc all add up.
Why do Jews want to destroy White Europeans (and their descendants) when their greatest threat is from the Muslim nations? Are they just trying to get revenge for the holocaust on those they perceive as perpetrators and those they believe enabled the holocaust directly or though inaction during the Nazi reign?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Because Jews don't care if they lose money

  • 1Double Worf
  • 1Seriously?
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
Diddy should have gone scorched earth and released everything he had when he had the chance, now he's a walking corpse. If he makes it to the end of the month I will be pleasantly surprised. Then again, "They" probably will threaten his kids, the kids of family/friends, and anyone else they need to. Still, it would be nice if he did release everything he had to 4chan or Tucker Carlson or wherever.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Diddy should have gone scorched earth and released everything he had when he had the chance, now he's a walking corpse. If he makes it to the end of the month I will be pleasantly surprised. Then again, "They" probably will threaten his kids, the kids of family/friends, and anyone else they need to. Still, it would be nice if he did release everything he had to 4chan or Tucker Carlson or wherever.
Are you posting this here because you have knowledge that Amod Amod is really behind the sex trafficking rings in Hollywood?


<Gold Donor>

This is the thing that drives anyone with an fragment of critical reasoning bonkers, the words don't mean anything. If the words don't mean anything than neither to the laws and thus the civilization. I have always understood it that a common language is necessary for a functional and stable society and without that your society is, at best, built on unstable ground. There are other important factors as well but a unified language means a unified rule of law and communication. We are losing that.


<Gold Donor>
Are you posting this here because you have knowledge that Amod Amod is really behind the sex trafficking rings in Hollywood?
This sequence of posts answers the question of why I am doing this.
Amod Amod does this lack of search function mean we're turning into bb/misc one thread for all?

And I am between games, kind of bored, and procrastinating on things I am supposed to be doing that really can be pushed off to later. I won't do it for long, too much work.
I have no knowledge of @amods alleged involvement with P. Diddler's sex trafficking and blackmale scheme.
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
Why do Jews want to destroy White Europeans (and their descendants) when their greatest threat is from the Muslim nations? Are they just trying to get revenge for the holocaust on those they perceive as perpetrators and those they believe enabled the holocaust directly or though inaction during the Nazi reign?

Because White Europeans have not been friends of the Jews for thousands of years. They only tolerated the Jews because they became masters of trade (trade networks) as a consequence of their constant banishments and expulsions forcing them to spread out and find new homes.

You also have Christianity, but more specifically the Catholic Church, having a big role to play in that. With the weakening of the church's power in Europe over time (esp after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire), the Jewish aristocracy was allowed to flourish, taking advantage of economic exploitation and central banking to solidify their power and influence.

In short, the Jews don't want to be put into a corner again and are using their power to make sure it stays that way.
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<Gold Donor>
Because White Europeans have not been friends of the Jews for thousands of years. They only tolerated the Jews because they became masters of trade as a consequence of their constant banishments and expulsions.

You also have Christianity, but more specifically, the Catholic Church having a big role to play in that. With the weakening of the church's power in Europe over time (esp after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire), the Jewish aristocracy was allowed to flourish, taking advantage of economic exploitation and central banking to solidify their power and influence.

In short, the Jews don't want to be put into a corner again and are using their power to make sure it stays that way.
I get that, what I don't get is that by destroying western nations, Christian founded nations, they are giving up those nations' strengths and resources to what I thought was their mortal enemy; Islam.
Islam gets stronger while the west gets weaker. Just seems shortsighted if it is true, once the European nations fall to Islam Israel is literally backed into a corner with nowhere to go. Everyone will eventually be their enemy because their enemy has out-bred and supplanted the only people acting like their allies.

What is the play in all this that I am missing, unless the actual goal is to force Western Nations into choosing between Israel and Islam in a World War, and even then forcing the West to take on millions of Islamic refugees undermines this, I am just not seeing? What is it I am being too dense or naive or retarded about in all this?


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
I get that, what I don't get is that by destroying western nations, Christian founded nations, they are giving up those nations' strengths and resources to what I thought was their mortal enemy; Islam.
Islam gets stronger while the west gets weaker. Just seems shortsighted if it is true, once the European nations fall to Islam Israel is literally backed into a corner with nowhere to go. Everyone will eventually be their enemy because their enemy has out-bred and supplanted the only people acting like their allies.

What is the play in all this that I am missing, unless the actual goal is to force Western Nations into choosing between Israel and Islam in a World War, and even then forcing the West to take on millions of Islamic refugees undermines this, I am just not seeing? What is it I am being too dense or naive or retarded about in all this?

Before I go any further, did you know that Saudi Arabia, a prominent Muslim nation and home of Mecca, jails people for being critical of Israel?

  • 1Jonesing
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<Gold Donor>
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<Gold Donor>
Before I go any further, did you know that Saudi Arabia, a prominent Muslim nation and home of Mecca, jails people for being critical of Israel?

It's more they are trying to stop iran from gaining influence. Saud really, really wants a firm security guarantee from the US, and the price for that is apparently establishing relations with Isreal, but on the flip side everyone in their country wants to murder them for siding with the devil, which gives iran an easy in and the opposition a strong locus. The dictator struggle is real.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Maybe we need to try some bipartisan feedback.

@Zaara Koushirou Koushirou - go ask your men if they want to touch your mommy squishers and tell us what they say.

@Mist - go ask your Kate Mara funco bobblehead if it wants to touch your mommy squishers and tell us how it wiggles
I get embarrassed because the husband will just poke my boobs while in public. He did it once while we were checking out at our LGS and chatting with our buddy working there. I was like "why you gotta do that right in front of folks?" Buddy there said "oh yeah, I'll do that to my GF, too" and the boys just nodded to each other in solidarity.
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