Retro and New Video Game Picture/Video Thread


I always liked the opening to Lagoon.
Lagoon was not without its charm, but that tiny tiny sword was irritating as fuck.



I remember Lagoon. Was fun but didn't play it much. I did however play the fuck out of Neutopia. What a gem.
Man I loved my TG-16. Damn shame it didn't sell particuarly well in the U.S.

This game, Y's Book I & II, blew my mind (remember, this was what? 1991/92):



Mr. Poopybutthole
Gonna also voice my displeasure on lagoons tiny as fuck sword. God I hated that thing. Surprised I even finished the game.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I remember Ys for the TG16 CD but there was no way in hell I could afford buying the CD add on. I was too young and could only dream of owning one. Then the Turbo Duo came out which I wanted so fucking bad but there was no way my mom was going to spend that kind of money for a console back then. Was about 399$/450$ back in the 90s.

The Turbo Duo was so sexy ;p


I remember just staring at the box at Compucentre and knowing I would never be able to afford one. Such a tease. Even now on Ebay they go for well over 300$.

Man I loved my TG-16. Damn shame it didn't sell particuarly well in the U.S.

This game, Y's Book I & II, blew my mind (remember, this was what? 1991/92):



Molten Core Raider
Road Avenger was probably the coolest FMV Sega CD game ever released. I wish someone would release the Laserdisc version on Steam in HD. I'd buy it in a second. I prefer the music in the Laserdisc version and obviously the game looks much nicer and runs smoother than the Sega CD version.

Sega CD version

Laserdisc version


I remember Lagoon. Was fun but didn't play it much. I did however play the fuck out of Neutopia. What a gem.
I actually bought Neutopia II a couple weeks ago and played through it last week. OK game. Played it on my Turbo Duo too! Thing is not ageing so well sadly. I have a lot of picture signal that is leaking into the sound for some reason. Also, modern LCD TVs just rape theseretrogames. I guess my old school CRT TV is here to stay forever.

I also have Neutopia 1, but I don't think I ever played it!


Original Content gogogo!

PS: Can you spot Ys I+II in that picture?


Makes me sad that I sold all the systems and 80s computers I owned. Would've been cool to have my own personalretromuseum.
Man I loved my TG-16. Damn shame it didn't sell particuarly well in the U.S.

This game, Y's Book I & II, blew my mind (remember, this was what? 1991/92):

I fucking loved this game! I was about 10 when it came out and my cousin had it. We would stay up for days trying to beat it. Every time someone died, we would hand the controller over and let the other play. Still never beat it which saddens me and makes me want to play it so much again.


I actually bought Neutopia II a couple weeks ago and played through it last week. OK game. Played it on my Turbo Duo too! Thing is not ageing so well sadly. I have a lot of picture signal that is leaking into the sound for some reason. Also, modern LCD TVs just rape theseretrogames. I guess my old school CRT TV is here to stay forever.

I also have Neutopia 1, but I don't think I ever played it!


Original Content gogogo!

PS: Can you spot Ys I+II in that picture?
Couldn't you just emulate that shit so your megapixels don't leak into your LCDs or whatever? If you emulate there's also the upshot of not being aretroconsole fag.


Couldn't you just emulate that shit so your megapixels don't leak into your LCDs or whatever? If you emulate there's also the upshot of not being aretroconsole fag.
I have enough originalgamesto play without starting to play emulatedgames. The only exception would begamesthat are greatly enhanced by two features only available through emulation: increased speed and save state. The best example was playing through the first Dragon Quest at 500% speed!


I have enough originalgamesto play without starting to play emulatedgames. The only exception would begamesthat are greatly enhanced by two features only available through emulation: increased speed and save state. The best example was playing through the first Dragon Quest at 500% speed!
Yeah, but, instead of putting up with ancient consoles that don't work,gamesthat are scratched or have loose circuitry, buying ancientgamesfor ridiculous prices off Ebay, and storing all those silly pieces of plastic... you could just download and emulate them.

I mean, maybe you're going to claim that playing on the actual console with the actual game is part of the experience. But that just makes you a console hipster. Don't be a console hipster.