It's amazing how terrible I am at this game now. I guess because I'm not playing with one of these shitty joysticks we had. That and I'm too lazy to slow the CPU down in Dosbox to a level that makes it playable.Death Track. Probably the first game I played religiously
That's an astute observation!^ Good NES collection, but I noticed it's missing this....
Agreed, StarTropics was fantastic. Never released in Japan, oddly enough!No lie, Startropics is probably my favorite NES game that isn't Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior related. I hate to say it, but that is a damn good selection ofgamesTanoomba. Props for having Powerblade as well. It was megaman without all the standard bullshit megaman cheapness.
Thanks to Tanoomba, I'm able to borrow these gems and more when I want! He's got one of the craziestvideogame collections ever.Jesus Tanoomba, gimme your address so I can beef up my collection.
This, Faxanadu and Crystalis were hidden gems.Where is Faxanadu?
Fucking Faxanadu. I probably rented that game a dozen times as a kid, and could never get anywhere. I just wandered around and couldn't figure out what in the hell to do or where to go. It was almost as frustrating as Goonies II and Rygar. I beleived for YEARS that all 3 of thosegameshad no ending, they just looped forever, as I had never met anyone that had beaten them. Until the internet became a thing and I saw walkthroughs/videos for them. In the days of nothing but magazines and strategy guides, you were boned if you got stuck and there was no guide available.Where is Faxanadu?
If you did /actually/ finish Faxanadu from start to end you should get cred - different sprites for your character for every weapon, shield, magic and armor, sprawling game map and world with distinct sections and zones with out "stages" or "levels"- it is much a metroidvania before that was a thing- I put it up there with CV2 on old school one world game worlds that yes- today are quite clunky (CV2 was waaaay clunky while faxanadu is just kinda confusing) - it had things like you could get the best armor and magic just outside the 1st town if you found the store and grinded the money lol. The plot..while poorly conveyed (again...what game sans pure RPGs managed that decently well on the NES?) was actually good.Faxanadu is one of those hipstergamespeople like to use as cred, but it really wasn't that good if you actually played the fucking thing from start to finish.
StarTropics is another one although it was certainly better than Faxanadu.
Bothgameswere certainly better than the majority ofgamesreleased for the system, but they don't really deserve the acclaim that the Marios, Zeldas, MegaMans, the actually widely recognized and appreciatedgamesdo.
PowerBlade on the other hand was really really good.
Looks like you cleaned up lol...what happened to your futon? C'mon show them your Japanese stuff![]()
Rygar was one of the first NESgamesI ever owned. My dad actually stayed up playing it and woke me and my brother up to watch him beat it. It wasn't until years later that I beat it on my own... It was kind of bittersweet. Beat Goonies 2 too (as a child), but I might have gotten a bit of help from Nintendo Power. Certainly wouldn't want to attempt it again without a guide. Never beat Faxanadu. Love the open world in a tree, love the soundtrack, but the game was confusing as fuck and the combat was pretty terrible.
Here's the whole collection (minus Faxanadu, which I forgot to put back) in tiers:
And the whole shebang: