Retro Game of the Month March 2018: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Playstation)


Avatar of War Slayer
I see, so there's actually a six year time jump between SOTN's intro (Rondo's final battle) and the very next scene with Alucard heading for the castle.

Not surprised the anime retcons Maria's age so they can just have one story move right into the next. Symphony could follow immediately after Rondo if it weren't for the discrepancy of Maria's age.

I tend to think of Rondo and Symphony as the two halves of "Castlevania V" even if neither is called that. It's the final story of the main Castlevania storyline. Everything after that is either prequel, side-quel, or some rando reviving Dracula later in time. To me the main series is CV3->CV4(or 1)->CV2->Rondo/Symphony if one were to do a chronological run of it.
if you die to drac, child Maria actually runs out and heals you.

scroll card in sotn says 4 years later.
officially its 5. 1792 for rondo, and 1797 for sotn.
maria was 12, then 17.

Edit: I realize the card says Richter VANISHED 4 years after the opening/Rondo. there is then time between that, and Maria searching for him, and getting alucard to help.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Forgot Rondo of Blood to start the music theme title

also it’s funny the original sotn says the prologue is from “Bloodlines” lol

edit: guess bloodlines is the title of the stage lol guess that works
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