Rift: Planes of Telara


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I had a lot of fun with it but it took a very soft (WoW) approach to PvP and it could have done huge and awesome things.
I know it's just one mans opinion but, for me I wish games would either be PvP or PvE but never both.


Vyemm Raider
Well I resubbed a few days ago at level 50 and started doing the SL stuff. Its not a big improvement over original really, but whatever. I'm playing a mage and I've even gone so far as to make a chloro spec for the lightning fast queues and I actually find the spec enjoyable. Its hardly even like being a healer when 90% of your healing is just DPSing something.

However what I did not know is that there is a massive witch hunt for fish botters going on. Now, I don't fish, but I do use AHK so that instead of my entire night consisting of smashing '3' every half second, I can just hold the button down and it will auto repeat with a reasonable 750ms delay. I've done this in many MMOs.

You see, for this expansion they decided to add new tradeskills, and why not copy WoW further and bring over its FUCKING BORING fishing skill, which is almost guaranteed to create an entire industry of fish-bots overnight because no human wants to do that monotonous crap. Never mind that my fishing skill is less than 10 (from the tutorial quest) and I was in the middle of a fucking boss fight. And never mind that I purged every running process possible - I still get dropped within 30s of logging back in.

Apparently once you are flagged, you just get dropped every 30s without any regard for running processes or actual macro use. I can log in, stand still, and get booted. Hell I got booted while zoning. They may as well just be suspending accounts. Which I'm sure will go over well, considering cases like mine, where I'm obviously not even fucking fishing.

Even if it gets cleaned up, I'm not so sure I want to play Rift now. You see, I have come to absolutely loathe MMO gameplay where you smash keys WITHOUT PAUSE. I have exactly one spell with a cast time greater than 1.5 seconds. Meaning I am smashing 3 every 1-1.5seconds constantly. So I get around that with a key repeater so I can just hold a button down and dodge fire and use other abilities as needed. Which if I had it my way would be how the game worked by default.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Ouch, looks like I quit just in time then. I would also use my G19 to toggle '1' for my main attack spam.

They've been known to ignore a problem (fishing bots, warfront AFKers, CQ sploiting) for months, then implement a fix that doesn't fix the problem, and just makes life miserable for paying customers.

The other reason I stopped? As a mage, in order to competitively raid as DPS, our best spec is MELEE RANGE ONLY. 2nd best? Picture if you will EQ2's vast array of combat spam spread throughout 5 hotbars, but you need to do it in the right order, and manage cooldowns while avoiding BS raid mechanics that are probably buggy and the graphic is in the wrong spot to begin with. /rant off


<Gold Donor>
The worst part of Rift as it stands now is the community. The community has devolved into the mindset that if you say anything negative about Trion or Rift you're automatically wrong and need to die. Which is sad because Rift used to have a really good community. Rift is probably the best MMO to be released in the last 5 years and it got a lot of things right, but to try and gloss over some of the shit it never should have done and some issues with the xpac is foolish.


Vyemm Raider
Luckily Rift already has so many features from WoW that you don't as often hear FUCK THAT WOW GAYNESS, NOT IN *MY* GAME every 20 seconds as you do in all the other MMOs. Holy fuck that gets old. But yeah what you describe is the small-game mentality, you'll see it everywhere. People that vehemently defend their chosen Jesus in all things and resist any change at all. Many are probably the types that have 1,000 hours into the game and no characters past level 40.

Of course I guess I'd be right there with them if a game copied WoW's "5 versions of each raid" horseshit. Extreme retard mode (LFR) I can understand, you have to justify the content. But not splitting it into 10/25 and having normal/hard versions of every fight and all of them dropping the same items +gooder.

I never actually tried the chronicle thing but I guess that's Rifts idea of reusing raid content for the masses. Its a better idea than LFR.


Vyemm Raider
Also, this:

"Hello Kreugen,

Thank you for contacting us regarding RIFT.

After looking into your account, we have confirmed that it does not appear that you are using these programs maliciously. We have removed the block that may be causing you to be unable to log into the game at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue." etc

Uh, so, their solution to fishbots is to randomly put blocks on accounts that cause them to get disconnected every 10-30 seconds and NOT TELL THEM. And given my 11 fishing skill (I looked it up this time) obviously I was an egregious offender. At least it only took five hours to clear it up after being false flagged.

Somebody should be fired for shit like that.
Kreugen apparently with the wave of suspensions due to fish botting, they went the heavy-handed route. I was told autohotkey causes an instant suspension; you'll have to let me know if you continue to see issues with it or whether that's a one-time thing.
Haven't played in a while, but did they get rid of drop-through macros in Rift? Like if you have a macro such as:

/cast Skill 1
/cast Skill 2
/cast Skill 3

It would cast the first ability in the list that wasn't on cooldown?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Haven't played in a while, but did they get rid of drop-through macros in Rift? Like if you have a macro such as:

/cast Skill 1
/cast Skill 2
/cast Skill 3

It would cast the first ability in the list that wasn't on cooldown?
No you still have that. But they removed a lot of cooldown on abilities. For example, my warrior used to use a shield bash or whatever to increase their block, but I cant have that in a macro now that there's no cooldown to it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My cleric is up to level 45 now. When should I head to the Storm Legion Content? Straight at 50?

I'd forgotten how painful some of these quests are: "Go gather me 15 harpy feathers!" 27 harpies later and I've got 8.


Luckily Rift already has so many features from WoW that you don't as often hear FUCK THAT WOW GAYNESS, NOT IN *MY* GAME every 20 seconds as you do in all the other MMOs. Holy fuck that gets old. But yeah what you describe is the small-game mentality, you'll see it everywhere. People that vehemently defend their chosen Jesus in all things and resist any change at all. Many are probably the types that have 1,000 hours into the game and no characters past level 40.
I quit just prior to Christmas and, while its not quite as prevalent as in other games, people in Rift still liked to piledrive on WoW. I think the most common complaint was 'yeah, but pandas' or the always popular 'if you want easy, go play WoW!11'. That was probably my biggest complaint about the community as well - how eager they are to attack anyone who criticizes their precious.


2 Minutes Hate
My cleric is up to level 45 now. When should I head to the Storm Legion Content? Straight at 50?

I'd forgotten how painful some of these quests are: "Go gather me 15 harpy feathers!" 27 harpies later and I've got 8.
Just grind out Instant Adventures up to 50. Fuck quests.


Vyemm Raider
At the very least keep your dungeon and warfront dailies done. They reward a class-specific blue item and a mountain of XP.

And my favorite thing in all MMOs is when people say 'GO BACK TO WOW'. Well, okay, bye then. Have fun when your game gets shut down because of shitheads like you.