Well, finnaly had my first real "are you kidding me" ending.
Everythings going fine, just getting up a nice drug trade and slave selling business, 5 colonists so far. refugee comes running in, figure sure, save him, maybe get a couple slaves in the process. Turns out i bit off more then i could chew, and 1 of my colonists gets picked off almost immediatly, followed right after by another being taken down, and needing rescue. Finnaly get the raiders to flee, only to have 1 of my guys flat out die before i can even get em to the hospital. New guy bites it before he even has any use at all.
Running around trying to save the hurt ones, another raid comes in almost immediatly after. Got 2 down in the hospital, only 1 whos able to fight back, try and hold off inside, rather then come in the raiders set a massive fire and burn all my crops, eventually getting to the building. Force buddy outside to try and fight them off, boom headshot goes down instantly. raiders leave, but i got 2 guys both with major infections unconcious, with no doctor left. man in black shows up, runs straight into the building trying to put the fire out, dies to superheated air.
Both patients wake up, first one finds out his wife and friends all died, goes berserk, beats down the other one till shes out on the ground, then runs out, fights a muffalo and dies. Forced to watch as the last one starves to death with no one to rescue her.
I love this game