

Watcher of Overs
This is a constant headache:

Hard to tell with the colours being random on zones, but that is a megasloth wandering about my base leaving filth everywhere. Some of the big beasts do that. So you designate an inside and an outside and restrict them to the outside.

But you can see above, I cut a door into one wall, and that one square is allowed, so they will path to it, leaving a trail of turds or dirt or whatever it is they do.

Same happens if you ever expand an area a bit. Tragically it is often the fridge and they get in there and just eat everything. They are nice to have in a fight though.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
This has turned into one of those games I can run in the background for hours, and come back to find some random occurrence happened, and just shrug as long as the the show goes on. If people die, I just reload a save, shake shit up a bit, and find out what fate decides in the new timeline.

I can almost see setting this up on another PC, and record this,like some new age hipster ant farm.

We are completely fucked if conscious AI spawns from a game like this in the future.
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Watcher of Overs
Some art my little minions have generated. This is from the Lordling misogynist:

The badass shotgun I lost to that buggy capture scenario:

This one is relevant to what was going on at the time. Art about the toxic cloud during a toxic fallout event. Boomalopes getting that can often lead to major disaster as they die and explode and set a bunch of stuff on fire. I accidentally marked one for butcher last night and it blew up and killed a few nearby animals.

This art is about modern american politics

This is a not-so-subtle jab at Jazz who accidentally killed another colonist during a fight with crazed pirates or somesuch.

This one is about one of the long range mineral scanner caravans where I mined a bunch of plasteel:


Watcher of Overs
A wicked lance Stinkbug made. I gave it to a melee guy thinking it was a melee weapon but it shoots stuff.

Michael makes a huge grand sculpture of himself making a dresser. And it is shaped like the death star.

A bed engraved with hentai

I guess her Aunt is a gunsmith


Buzzfeed Editor
This girl Ana wandered in with some refugees. I think she was 18 when all the other women there are over 40 so she immediately got alot of love.

Her first husband died in battle, but before he did she was shagging Immanuil the cop. Then she got a marriage proposal from the cop, and then shortly after another from the artist Michael who you see here. His "attended wedding" is for when Ana and Immanuil got hitched, he was there.

I guess maybe he will get married to Ana too? Is this Utah?
View attachment 365353
Does he literally have a giant hipster beard and everything?

That's too perfect.

Just started playing this, ran out of components--no idea how to get more, trying my first trade caravan (The work bench that makes them is still a huge way off in terms of research and haven't had any traders in the last year =-/)
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Watcher of Overs
One thing you can do for components is dig tunnels through rocks to see if you can spot any compacted machinery hidden in the depths. Dig horizontal line, skip 2 dig another etc.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Yeah...in my current game I have a psychopath butchering raiders to make kibble for the animals.
Hey, no one can say I didn't fucking warn ya, when Sarai Kharzette Tsang Omniplex Alpha feeds your loved ones to the biofuel vats.
  • 1Worf
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Watcher of Overs
I give raiders a proper burial. I did harvest a kidney once though. Now I just make better kidneys :D
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I play a bunch of white people that are good at shooting, plants, and animals.


Watcher of Overs
This is the first time I've really gone crazy with animals. They are a pain to deal with.

I did have one dwarf fortress game where cats bred out of control. The dwarves would adopt them and then go into a drunken rage when they eventually died to something stupid.


Watcher of Overs
BTW, when I got my good crafter back that meant I had 2 people to run the component factories. I was holding off on getting promoted to Countess because the description has all this stuff about not being able to work.

I went ahead with it and I seem to just keep working fine.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just started playing this, ran out of components--no idea how to get more, trying my first trade caravan (The work bench that makes them is still a huge way off in terms of research and haven't had any traders in the last year =-/)
Kharzette's advice is good if you have a lot of mountains to mine. One of my maps just has tunnels that go on forever and ever looking for components. Second option is caravans and space traders. Third option is to put some right solid gear on, put extra medicine/food on for travel and battle and then go raid a tribe (set up a make shift base before battle if they give you the opportunity). Fourth option is (if you can manage it), turn settlements up to two - supply a caravan with enough food to last at least a month with 2-3 people, and go settle a "Mountainous" area. You can abandon that settlement if its too much work. I have the most success with the last option, just to give you a heads up.

Generally, you're playing in a way that probably blows through components too fast. Fast track Fabrication after you get set up, so you can build your own. Takes a long time to get research up to that point. I usually pick a faction that has slaves and set up fields etc. that have them picking food, mine and cutting trees etc. That way, I can slice two-three settlers (depending on how many I have) work load down to just research. I box the slaves into sections and keep each work type of slaves set to one area (so they dont all riot at the same time basically). I also sell off any useless slaves for good money. Or, you can just convert good slaves and make them join your tribe. But then you bring in a whole new host of problems with happiness, etc.

Kharzette Kharzette , Im glad you're playing this game. I play it too much like Caesar 3 or Sim City and never pay attention to whats going on in their personal lives. So far, Ive created a prison that sold people into slavery. Ended up taking up a massive portion of the buildable map by the time I didnt care anymore. At first, it was only once in a while when a trader would buy people. Then after a while, I guess they learned I was the one stop shop and just about every trader and space caravan that passed was buying them. Tribes that would raid me would just be stunned and carted off to a pen. That would also tell me where they came from and where to raid. I think my whole thought process was based off the movie "Apocalypto" lol.

Also did the human organ harvesting, but that wasnt as much fun. Selling Human Leather is something... interesting, though.

I think the next map Im going to try, Im going to go heavy into mods - (whenever people update them) like you. I've seen some really cool ones, but they never seem to work with the newest version.

TL: DR - Slaves and Prisoners bro. Trivializes the game while your actual settlers are living the high life.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
This is the first time I've really gone crazy with animals. They are a pain to deal with.

I did have one dwarf fortress game where cats bred out of control. The dwarves would adopt them and then go into a drunken rage when they eventually died to something stupid.

I have a lot of chickens. I have to sort them by age and slaughter 20 young ones every few days or their numbers start growing so fast they eat everything.


Watcher of Overs
How does the slave thing work? I bought one early on and they just joined my colony like normal.

I need to look into that auto slaughter thing. One problem I noticed with ducks is they would lay an egg and someone would run way out into the pens to get it, and just grab that one. It was like the chopping down burned trees where there was a field of little bits of 1 and 2 wood and they pick one up and just carry it back instead of getting an armful.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
How does the slave thing work? I bought one early on and they just joined my colony like normal.

I need to look into that auto slaughter thing. One problem I noticed with ducks is they would lay an egg and someone would run way out into the pens to get it, and just grab that one. It was like the chopping down burned trees where there was a field of little bits of 1 and 2 wood and they pick one up and just carry it back instead of getting an armful.

If you place an "egg box", all the birds of the same kind will lay there eggs there. So you need seperate boxes if you have multiple kinds of birds.

Autoslaughter I haven't used, find it easy enough to sort by age and kill most of the male birds and enough females to keep it in check.
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Molten Core Raider
BTW, when I got my good crafter back that meant I had 2 people to run the component factories. I was holding off on getting promoted to Countess because the description has all this stuff about not being able to work.

I went ahead with it and I seem to just keep working fine.
The work restriction stuff only happens to dudes with Greedy/Jealous/Abrasive. See Titles - RimWorld Wiki


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How does the slave thing work? I bought one early on and they just joined my colony like normal.

I need to look into that auto slaughter thing. One problem I noticed with ducks is they would lay an egg and someone would run way out into the pens to get it, and just grab that one. It was like the chopping down burned trees where there was a field of little bits of 1 and 2 wood and they pick one up and just carry it back instead of getting an armful.
For ease, wait for an event on your own base. For example, you have raids and visitors (if you recall getting the message that they have no tribal ties). Take your heaviest armed melee units and go "Arrest" or "Capture" them on right click. That'll put them in your jail. Then after the dust settles and you've caught everyone. Look at their tabs (social, bio etc.) and you'll see new options. The wardens will handle all of this passively. If you want them to join your colony, you can recruit them. If you want to enslave them, then that makes them slaves. If you want to convert them, that turns them to your religion. But converting doesnt do anything but change religion - just a way to have happy slave/recruit. Just be careful where you're apprehending them, or your turrets will mow their ass down. My favorites are the "visitors" that come in and ask for 90ish silver to free their friend. I usually design my town so traders are in the central part of it for easy hauling. But its also great for catching visitors cause you have your units coming from every single direction.

Since you're running Royalty from the sounds of it, too - I would make sure that people in your established town arent going to frown upon taking slaves. I typically always go with "Supremacist" in religion when I want to go the route of slavery. Spiked heads, corpse cages, and slave harnesses are your go to for trying to keep them "docile". Which is another reason I keep them separate from the rest of my base. Use saves before you attack a raid or visitors. Lastly, use 0% flammability stuff to build their barracks, furniture, walks ways and walls. Typically some type of material thats readily available that has a lot of HP.


Watcher of Overs
I don't have the religion stuff yet, but I'll check next time I have a prisoner.

Yea no option for enslave. Maybe that comes with religion.
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