Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Millie's Staff Member
I didn’t realize God was the Main Character in all third person omniscient stories.

I was about to White Knight Gavin because the idea that a Narrator is a synonym for Main Character is actually pretty retarded, but apparently modern Academia has gotten pretty fucking retarded, so a lot of people on the internet agree with that.

I don’t know when it was cannocalized, but trying to look at it objectively, since I don’t give a shit about a pedantic argument I wasn’t part of—It kind of seems like when there was a transition from literature to other media there was a loss in understanding of what a point of view was, so instead they just took a synonym and used it to re-describe first person point of view, and confused the driving force with the operative narrator creating a misnomer bastardized term and now you can be correct while making both terms more ambiguous

Also, I’m never going to watch this show
Chris is the ackshually guy, he calls dragons wyverns even though 90% of the modern world calls them dragons. Sherlock Holmes is not the main character in his own books. he just isnt. you can say he's the most important character and eveyrthing focuses on the results of his actions, but its still a story about James Watson's friendship with SH. i guess its like saying Pennywise was the main character of "IT", when its really just Bill Denbrough.


Potato del Grande
Chris is the ackshually guy, he calls dragons wyverns even though 90% of the modern world calls them dragons.
The difference is that I'm self aware, providing evidence and explanation, and not calling people retards for thinking that Wyverns are Dragons.

Sometimes it's funny to unleash the full weight of autism and drop some deep dragon lore, pretending to take it utterly seriously. I can tell you in this thread that of course it's valid to call them all dragons.

Sometimes it's just petty pedantism over what one word means that's irrelevent to the point being made.


Millie's Staff Member
The difference is that I'm self aware, providing evidence and explanation, and not calling people retards for thinking that Wyverns are Dragons.

Sometimes it's funny to unleash the full weight of autism and drop some deep dragon lore, pretending to take it utterly seriously. I can tell you in this thread that of course it's valid to call them all dragons.

Sometimes it's just petty pedantism over what one word means that's irrelevent to the point being made.
you go too far. wyverns are different, but its called dragons by everyone. a paper tissue is a Kleenex or snotrag. a vacuum cleaner is a Hoover in your country. there is no need to correct somebody if everyone knows what is being said. i dont watch this show so i cant say who is the protagonist or main character. but if its all about Galadriel and her pov, then she is probably both. though Game Of Thrones has really no protagonist or main character. so let that bake in.
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Potato del Grande
Well I guess no one is talking about this nonsense episode because of how bad it is eh?

Anything with the Dwarves is great, other than budget Elrond being there. They really nailed the Dwarves. It was only two scenes though.

Nergolass was in the episode and some orcs stuff, it's kinda meh but nothing too offensive. The orcs at least look good.

The Galadriel/Numenor stuff is the majority of the episode and just utter shite. They blew their load throwing away the drowning of Numenor visual in a Palantir vision. They also said that the Palantir other than the Numenor stone are lost... when they actually had the full set and they were lost later in Gondor and Arnor.

They also had a guy make an anti-elf migration speech and talk about elves taking human jobs. While anti-elf xenophobia is the actual story, it was about immortality and not migration lmao.

Elrond spoke about his father being taken up into space to sail his boat + silmaril across the sky at the end of the first age, which makes me think that meteor man may be Elrond's father Earendil.


Avatar of War Slayer
The sucking rate seems about constant. It’s not aggressively bad. Just mediocre. 5/10 is still my rating.
I second this opinion. Episode 3 is the worst so far and episode 4 is about on par with 1 and 2.

In episode 4 we learn the Black human queen is not really a usurper but a strong black woman that is cursed with great knowledge and had to take control from her father because otherwise there would have been a civil war. Now the old king has dementia, obviously because he was not as strong as his black daughter, and couldn't handle the knowledge that they are all doomed (unless they help the elves)(also, he is also an old white guy).*

*Somethings may be exaggerated slightly for comedic effect.


Potato del Grande
I second this opinion. Episode 3 is the worst so far and episode 4 is about on par with 1 and 2.

In episode 4 we learn the Black human queen is not really a usurper but a strong black woman that is cursed with great knowledge and had to take control from her father because otherwise there would have been a civil war. Now the old king has dementia, obviously because he was not as strong as his black daughter, and couldn't handle the knowledge that they are all doomed (unless they help the elves)(also, he is also an old white guy).*

*Somethings may be exaggerated slightly for comedic effect.
You exaggerated nothing.


Avatar of War Slayer
You exaggerated nothing.
Well, why the King has dementia is obviously an interpretation of the current political climate and Hollywood bullshit. If that exact episode was made 15 years ago, that would not have even crossed my mind.
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Potato del Grande
This last episode was ridiculous of course.

Apparently several months have passed for Elrond but a couple days for Galadriel. How the fuck has the construction of the tower come so far already?

Also Numenor is now Martha's Vineyard. Galadriel's story went nowhere that wasn't covered in previous episodes until some leaves started falling off a tree.

People aren't lying when saying the Dwarves are the best thing about the show.

Discount Legolas was let go so he could kill more of the bad guys Orcs.

Did no one watch the hilarious choreography I linked?


<Gold Donor>
Well, why the King has dementia is obviously an interpretation of the current political climate and Hollywood bullshit. If that exact episode was made 15 years ago, that would not have even crossed my mind.
Biden = king; kamalamala = strong kween
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Watcher of Overs
My memory is not reliable, but I think Galadriel is in her 60's by the time of the trilogy. That's 60 thousand.

The second and third ages are short, maybe around 6-10 kilo years together? So yea do the math. She shouldn't be acting like an idiot.

Related: If you ever have trouble sleeping, look at the pages and pages of info in the appendices of return of the king at how the various cultures reckoned time. The elven great year stuff seems like a nod to the Sumerians and their old king lists are almost as crazy as the elves.


Trump's Staff
My memory is not reliable, but I think Galadriel is in her 60's by the time of the trilogy. That's 60 thousand.

The second and third ages are short, maybe around 6-10 kilo years together? So yea do the math. She shouldn't be acting like an idiot.

Related: If you ever have trouble sleeping, look at the pages and pages of info in the appendices of return of the king at how the various cultures reckoned time. The elven great year stuff seems like a nod to the Sumerians and their old king lists are almost as crazy as the elves.

Galadriel is 8,371 years old at the time of the trilogy. She was born in the 1362nd Year of the Trees. She’s somewhere around 2300 years old when the rings are forged.

The very first Elves would be a maximum of 11,361 years old at the end of the third age (The Yeeting of Gollum)
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Just finished it.

This would have easily been the best episode so far...if the Galadriel / Numenor stuff wasn't hot steaming trash. Superficially, it's spectacular to see it in 4K on a 77" TV. It's absolutely gorgeous. Palantir also keeps some interesting things in his tower. But, it's all wasted on a terrible storyline, Galadriel still sucks, and Pharazon comes off as a goofy, bumbling dork, a far cry from the proud commander of the epic Numenorean fleet who sends the forces of Mordor scrambling without a fight and to whom fucking Sauron bends a knee. That bit where Galadriel shoves the guards into the cell...so bad. I almost thought the stream messed up and it skipped ahead to some sort of after-credits blooper reel. I guess Hermione with tits is going to end up designing Minas Tirith or some nonsense.

As for the rest of it, overall it was pretty solid. The pacing felt much better which kept things more engaging (by complete coincidence, there were no Harfoots in this one).

They're really accelerating the heavy hints that Halbrand is Sauron...so much so that it feels like cheap redirection now. My guess is Annatar has either already visited Eregion or is still there, which is why Celebrimbor is working against a weird contrived deadline.

The Beleriand name drop was surprising. Adar = Maglor? Burnt hand plus apparent reference to Sirion.
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Potato del Grande
I guess Hermione with tits is going to end up designing Minas Tirith or some nonsense.
Oh no.

They're really accelerating the heavy hints that Halbrand is Sauron...so much so that it feels like cheap redirection now. My guess is Annatar has either already visited Eregion or is still there, which is why Celebrimbor is working against a weird contrived deadline.
Yeah all this Saueon misdirection is annoying me when he should be with Celebrimbor planning rings - the entire point of the show.

The Beleriand name drop was surprising. Adar = Maglor? Burnt hand plus apparent reference to Sirion.
I missed the references, what did he say? Fits perfectly as his death is unknown and has a relationship with Elrond and Galadriel for drama later. Well spotted.


Tranny Chaser
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<Bronze Donator>
Just finished it.

The Beleriand name drop was surprising. Adar = Maglor? Burnt hand plus apparent reference to Sirion.

Sauron also had his personal tower of power (that he stole form the elves) on a Island in the Sirion.

Ok wtf is this show just in purpose going against canon?

"Here is the only Palantir that is not lost/hidden" = at this time none of them were lost, all 7 were held by the Numenorians.

The old king having dementia and being old/frail?? Only Kings that turned away from the valar went through that and this old king is the last "good" one so he would have never allowed himself to get this way.

The MOST dramatic theme through the 2nd age is Neumenors lesson about contentment. And how their entire spiral downward was over envy of the elves and fear of mortality/death. They could have done SO much with this in the show and it would have hit a nerve/tapped emotion with the audience. Fear of death, the unknown, the ridiculous things people go through to prolong life, etc. This should be the sickness infecting Neumenor not "elves are gonna steal our jobs"
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I missed the references, what did he say? Fits perfectly as his death is unknown and has a relationship with Elrond and Galadriel for drama later. Well spotted.
He mentioned the mouth of the river, and that he traveled down it once (to rob Elwing of the Silmaril?). Elrond talked a good deal about his lineage in this episode which would tie directly into that.
The MOST dramatic theme through the 2nd age is Neumenors lesson about contentment. And how their entire spiral downward was over envy of the elves and fear of mortality/death. They could have done SO much with this in the show and it would have hit a nerve/tapped emotion with the audience. Fear of death, the unknown, the ridiculous things people go through to prolong life, etc. This should be the sickness infecting Neumenor not "elves are gonna steal our jobs"
It's a huge miss so far. It's not entirely too late to correct it but my confidence levels are non-existent.

But, I don't think the whole "the Elves took our jerbs!" bit is actually a thing. That seemed entirely orchestrated by Pharazon and dude who got his face smashed in for the purpose of getting the rubes riled up and then setting up Pharazon to swoop in as the voice of reason. He's clearly campaigning for supporters, I guess to set himself up to snag the scepter when old Tar-Palantir croaks.


Tranny Chaser
It would be easy to say "all these stories are operating on different timelines" except the falling star was seen in each of them thus providing a singular reference point.

There's just no reasonable way to explain the timescale differences between the various plotlines.


Potato del Grande
It would have been better to do the original timeline and have 100 year gaps between episodes.

You could show the difference between elves and men quite nicely if the men keep dying and we follow families rather than individuals, eventually they start to cling to life and we do see the same character two episodes in a row but they are fucked up from old age.

Imagine one episode is Elrond befriending a young Durin, then two episodes later he goes to see him and he's close to death by old age. Imagine the scene where they are estranged due to time apart then, it would be devastating.