Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Golden Baronet of the Realm
he is the head priest of the Cult of Sauron or whatever stupid name they have, he mentions at some point (might have been in subtitles) that they seek the being who came from the comet who they believe to be Sauron and their lord. Almost certainly a show misdirect, one of those "they had a prophecy Sauron would return when foreshadowed by the comet" but the twist will be Sauron returned elsewhere (Halbrand) and will only become Sauron when he combines with his other half, like some shitty Power Ranger fanfic. Comet guy is probably just shitty Gandalf but they will never give him a name.

c'mon how can you not laugh at this, its the big titty goth squad who have come to steal mom's spaghetti

View attachment 437719
Wait, I didnt know Eminem had tits. Surprised they would put trannies in that kind of spotlight. Im guessing the show is wrapping up like a shiny turd considering the last few posts are nothing but a last word competition.
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FPS noob
yeah i dont know why everyone doesn't have ossoi on ignore, it makes the forums at least slightly readable although its always bizarre when you see a bunch of posts replying to nothing

episode 8 drops tonight, its the end of season 1
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Surprised they would put trannies in that kind of spotlight.
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago
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  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im just imagining that any SJW would want a tranny to be portrayed with a good alignment. Not the actual sick, self demonizing viewpoint that trannies typically have (if I'm to learn anything off just the Nessa's of the board.)
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im just imagining that any SJW would want a tranny to be portrayed with a good alignment. Not the actual sick, self demonizing viewpoint that trannies typically have (if I'm to learn anything off just the Nessa's of the board.)

ok that makes sense. xer must have a redemption arc incoming


Potato del Grande
I finally got caught up by just skipping any scene with Theo in it (the mere sight of his face makes me cringe) and am now ready for the finale.

The one thing I'm still fuzzy on is the identity of Slim She-dy. I was buying the whole 'oh they are just Easterlings but now lilly white because having dark skinned people be evil is triggering' schtick but now you have Gozer the Gozarian over here teleporting around and chucking fireballs.
All we know is that in the Tolkien version, there is a "Cult of Melkor" led by Sauron in Numenor who worship the evil Valar, Melkor.

Melkor is also known as Morgoth, and is the being who created Orcs and Dragons, enhanced Sauron's power (he is a Maiar like the wizards) and turned Maiar into Balrogs.

Valar = Archangel, Maiar = Angel by the way.

So our guess is that they are in the story early, maybe thinking that Meteor Man is Sauron or Melkor. Seems like he is Gandalf though.

How they have magic powers, no fucking idea.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The entire thing about the meteor man is stupid. If he's a maiar, wtf would Iluvatar create him and send him to Arda to be el hobo stupido?
Wtf is the point of him, and dragging that mystery box through 7 (8?) episodes? If he's to "become" Gandalf....Well, calling Amazon a bunch of retards is beating a dead horse since that's been well very established already. Yeah, let's fuck up Gandalf's "origin" story with more made up BS.
  • 1Salty
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Tranny Chaser
I will laugh my ass off if they end the season with no resolution of the whole Stranger business. The 4 proto-hobbits setting out last episode made it look like a 'lets walk to season 2' situation.


Potato del Grande
The entire thing about the meteor man is stupid. If he's a maiar, wtf would Iluvatar create him and send him to Arda to be el hobo stupido?
Wtf is the point of him, and dragging that mystery box through 7 (8?) episodes? If he's to "become" Gandalf....Well, calling Amazon a bunch of retards is beating a dead horse since that's been well very established already. Yeah, let's fuck up Gandalf's "origin" story with more made up BS.
They only way it makes sense is if Gandalf is a Maiar who didn't enter the world and stayed with Illuvatar.

Either he observes Sauron's plot and decides to intervene or Illuvatar sends him, with being a meteor being how you enter the world.

At some point he goes to The Undying Lands to ask The Valar for help and they send him back to Middle Earth with the other 4 wizards.

The only way that the plotline is cool is if it's an amnesiac Melkor or an avatar of Illuvatar who eventually becomes Tom Bombadil lol.
  • 1Picard
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
tom isn't illuvatar. he's functionally the same type of creature as ungoliant, in that he has immense power, but isn't undefeatable. gandalf in the council of elrond specifically warns against giving tom the ring since even with all his power, he would eventually succumb to sauron, and that's if he even remembered he HAD the ring in the first place, which he most likely would forget it was even his job to protect. illuvatar wouldn't forget his charge, and definitely wouldn't have an issue standing up against sauron. even if tom is just an "avatar" in that he's a significantly weaker version of illuvatar, tom's ONLY concern is banging goldberry and hanging out in his little garden. why would illuvatar send an avatar just to protect some small chunk of nowhere?

when i say that he's the same type of creature as ungoliant, i'm not saying he's some evil shadow spider... i'm saying that the same way that ungoliant was created as a side effect of the discord that melkor wrought, so was tom. illuvatar allowed those to be created, but didn't otherwise have specific input into their purpose.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The ask price was like 20k I think. Suineg couldn't raise the money.
I never even paid attention to who ended up with the digital property. Hell, Rerolled and that whole forum switch was how almost a decade ago now and didnt we have another switch between those two?


Millie's Staff Member
The ask price was like 20k I think. Suineg couldn't raise the money.
yeah, that sucks, i wonder if that idiot ever lowered his price because they are worth 0 to anyone else and 6 years later nobody but a few of us even cares.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
yeah, that sucks, i wonder if that idiot ever lowered his price because they are worth 0 to anyone else and 6 years later nobody but a few of us even cares.

From what Suineg said Req was dug in on the price, and Req too did not care-- including not caring about getting any money at all for it. If it meant getting absolutely 0 dollars that was fine by him. Which is why the price was never lowered.
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<Bronze Donator>
Didn't they blue wizards get delivered by comet? They would be clear property to make up a storyline about because they never got filled in in their books did they?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Didn't they blue wizards get delivered by comet? They would be clear property to make up a storyline about because they never got filled in in their books did they?
i'm no tolkien scholar, but i don't remember there being any discussion on HOW they showed up, just that they did. initially tolkien said all the wizards showed up in the third age, somewhere around the year 2000 if i remember correctly, though probably not. but later on in some of his letters, tolkien talked about him changing his mind and the blue wizards specifically showing up around 1000 of the second age.

he did talk a little bit about them here and there, but never focused any specifics about what they did, other than going east and possibly doing the same kind of work that gandalf did, but the east was rife with cults of morgoth so they were ultimately unsuccessful. he theorized that they probably lost the plot and started cults of their own. interestingly, he was initially interested in writing about the blue wizards being the antagonists of the 4th age, but never got too far into writing that.


Potato del Grande
i'm no tolkien scholar, but i don't remember there being any discussion on HOW they showed up, just that they did. initially tolkien said all the wizards showed up in the third age, somewhere around the year 2000 if i remember correctly, though probably not. but later on in some of his letters, tolkien talked about him changing his mind and the blue wizards specifically showing up around 1000 of the second age.
I though they just all took a boat and met Cirdan at the havens, who gave Gabdalf his ring.

he did talk a little bit about them here and there, but never focused any specifics about what they did, other than going east and possibly doing the same kind of work that gandalf did, but the east was rife with cults of morgoth so they were ultimately unsuccessful. he theorized that they probably lost the plot and started cults of their own. interestingly, he was initially interested in writing about the blue wizards being the antagonists of the 4th age, but never got too far into writing that.
I was thinking about how I would write Rings of Power.

What if one of the Blue Wizards lost hope and became an accelerationist? Figuring that a Sauron dominated Middle Earth would cause The Valar to invade again to put things right, so he may as well help Sauron.

Then the other one would be in opposition to his friend, and they vie for influence amoungst the easterlings.

They were students under the Valar of hunting, so perhaps they would be tracking down emissaries and cultists of Sauron.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I though they just all took a boat and met Cirdan at the havens, who gave Gabdalf his ring.

I was thinking about how I would write Rings of Power.

What if one of the Blue Wizards lost hope and became an accelerationist? Figuring that a Sauron dominated Middle Earth would cause The Valar to invade again to put things right, so he may as well help Sauron.

Then the other one would be in opposition to his friend, and they vie for influence amoungst the easterlings.

They were students under the Valar of hunting, so perhaps they would be tracking down emissaries and cultists of Sauron.
I THINK the wizards came separately, otherwise gandalf probably would have told cirdan to give the ring to saruman since he was the head of the istari. Cirdan gave his ring to gandalf because he instantly recognized gandalf as a maiar (or at the very least, recognized him as someone of comparable power and strength to withstand sauron.) If they were all together he probably would have recognized saruman as their leader as well (despite gandalf's maiar form being stronger than saruman's).

I don't know if the blue wizards would work as acceleration it's specifically because they knew they WERE the valar's way of interfering with sauron. Last time they personally showed up they sank a bunch of continents.

BUT it's definitely better than what we're getting so...
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