Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Potato del Grande
Ironically I don't think a single extended scene is part of the ending sequence. They didn't leave out anything from the ending in the theatrical cut other than the Scouring and obviously they never had any plans to film that in the first place.
They did film part of it, it's in Galadriel's mirrpr vision.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That was orcs sacking the Shire after Sauron's victory.
i think it was somewhat ambiguous. the face value of it was that if frodo didn't destroy the ring, sauron's evil would extend even to the shire; i.e., no one is safe. but i think showing frodo the scouring of the shire could also be showing him that no matter WHAT happens, he can't go back to his old life. a lot of people don't really like the scouring because it feels kind of like an unnecessary kick in the gut to the hobbits (and the readers as well). there are all kinds of moments when they could have stopped saruman before the scouring happened, but they don't. gandalf and co meet up with wormtongue and saruman after he's stripped of power, and gandalf says to have mercy and let him go. that mercy directly leads to the scouring.

tolkien had his reasoning for the scouring... he went off to war to save people against tyranny, and he came back to his homeland being torn apart by industrialization. it's not a happy moment, so i completely understand why PJ wouldn't add it, but it's also poignant, so i believe that he understood enough of it to just have it happen off screen, with the exception of seeing it in galadriel's mirror.
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<Bronze Donator>
I was willing to forgive a lot, because there was just enough good things in it to make it watchable. I even liked the Harfoots which most people didn't. But they botched Sauron, and to me that is unforgivable.

Sauron would not take the form of some random human swashbuckler to try and turn a few elves over to his side. He's an angelic spirit who decided to go over to the dark side and serve Morgoth. I understand they couldn't use the name Annatar in the show, but they still could of used a similar storyline. He deceived everyone posing as an emissary of the Valar, not as some unknown king of men who gets in bar fights & throws around one-liners. That would be so beneath someone like Sauron.

Speaking of Morgoth, this idiotic show had Sauron himself call him his former master "Morgoth", which was a slur.

In the books he always , ALWAYS referred to him as Melkor (Melko in the very early text). You know what separates a one in 1000 years writer from the trash that wrote rings of power? Attention to detail.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Speaking of Morgoth, this idiotic show had Sauron himself call him his former master "Morgoth", which was a slur.

In the books he always , ALWAYS referred to him as Melkor (Melko in the very early text). You know what separates a one in 1000 years writer from the trash that wrote rings of power? Attention to detail.
They don't hold the rights to the name Melkor, the same with Annatar.


<Bronze Donator>
Speaking of Morgoth, this idiotic show had Sauron himself call him his former master "Morgoth", which was a slur.

In the books he always , ALWAYS referred to him as Melkor (Melko in the very early text). You know what separates a one in 1000 years writer from the trash that wrote rings of power? Attention to detail.
Maybe he used the short "a" instead of the hard "r" and it was just hard to hear. You know, he took the M-word and decided to own it.


Potato del Grande
Speaking of Morgoth, this idiotic show had Sauron himself call him his former master "Morgoth", which was a slur.

In the books he always , ALWAYS referred to him as Melkor (Melko in the very early text). You know what separates a one in 1000 years writer from the trash that wrote rings of power? Attention to detail.
He's trying to ingratiate himself with Galadriel so I can give them a pass for that, but it would be a nice detail that he always says Melkor that could be a clue to Galadriel to not trust him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
One subtext I somehow missed until now from that interview where they laughably compared their future plans for Sauron's villainy to Tony Soprano and Walter White is that they actually think their piece of shit show is worthy of being compared to Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, two of the most popular shows ever made. This after having indirectly compared themselves to Christopher Nolan, one of the most visionary directors to ever live (whether you like his movies or not).

The level of arrogance is just mind blowing.
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Trump's Staff
Regardless of how big a fan of Tolkiien you are, this show is boring and has boring characters. They failed.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Celebrimbor. Master Elf-Smith eons old. Doesn't know what an alloy is.

Drunk Critic guy said it best about the characters.

"They're just souless vehicles to drive the plot forward"
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Celebrimbor. Master Elf-Smith eons old. Doesn't know what an alloy is.

Drunk Critic guy said it best about the characters.

"They're just souless vehicles to drive the plot forward"

That was obviously a metaphor for the racial purity of the elves


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Can we all agree in a show with black elf this guy was actually the worst casted elf in the entire series.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
I can totally picture that dude leading an army into the heart of Mordor and laying siege to Mount Doom for seven grueling years, and then fighting Sauron himself in physical combat.
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Potato del Grande
Everyone ready for Sauron and Isildur to be friends and Sauron/Bronwyn/Negrolas love triangle in season 2?
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