Can you be gypsy and Jewish?So many conflicting emotions today...
Not even sure how to feel...
So many emotions roiling trhough me today...
one hand I love seeing BLM trannies rotting in Russian gulags
but on the other hand, I love a good deal...
am I jewish?
Who will cave faster? Cash rich Russia or energy starved Europe?
Oh shit that picture... the Blackpool Illuminations are under threat!
Now I won't be able to sit in a traffic jam and look at underwhelming 1970's tableux along a depressing 1870's beach resort built to cheer up my coal mining ancestors who lived On The Road to Wigan Pier.
My wife is buying electric blankets and mattress covers just in case as they are cheaper than heating the whole house.Chris is immune till the summer, he locked in his rates.
Good thing we didn't get an electric heater.Give Ukraine 5 degrees this Winter.
How low can you go?
Electric devices are *never* cheaper than central heat, unless you have a massive house or your furnace burns gold plated coal. A single electric heater running to keep a medium sized room warm will cost you around 30 dollars US a month.
I close up my upstairs during the winter. My goal is to end up with nothing, and have a smashingly long period of same.