Rant time!
Safe space people always say it's trolling/harassment because they are so entrenched in their beliefs they can't comprehend anyone having a different view.
They will then take any sort of joking/sarcasm/irony super literally because they are looking for reasons to get rid of the person challenging them. I always try and keep things light/funny and throw some sarcasm out so I'm not just an angry internet man like some people.
It was kinda eye opening to be posting about this shit in the gamergate thread for years, then see people here use leftist tactics themselves.
Censorship/cancelling is the most common hypocrisy, but there was even a discussion where people were defending grooming because a christian sunday school teacher did it. A lot of this bad behaviour is just "people in power" behaviour and not really all that political, although it's seen as leftist stuff these days