RIP Carrie Fisher


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I like how people fail to grasp the concept that

Speaking of failing to grasp simple concepts ... I like how you fail to grasp that you schtick has worn thin and no one cares what you say.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I like how people fail to grasp the concept that as time has gone on our culture has included more and more "celebrities" and, as such, statistically more and more "celebrities" are likely to die every year. Don't blame 2016, blame math.

Actually it's kinda the opposite, the universality of stars all was strongest in an era before cable and internet started fragmented the audiences. The most bankable names known by everyone because everyone was forced to watch media with less options are all old so the chances of them dying in any given year keep going up.


Millie's Staff Member
View attachment 109504

Saw this yesterday and I wondered if 2016 would squeeze in a queen to complete the set. I was thinking rue paul, or justin beber, or hell maybe elizabeth ... ole girl can't have much longer to go.

Then Carrie's mom died, and I guess the mother of a princess could be called a queen.
queen elizabeth has been sick. she missed her christmas thingy for the first time in decades. the royal flush is possible.


Steve Martin shamed into deleting Carrie Fisher tribute tweet | Daily Mail Online

Jesus Christ, really?

So now you can't call a woman "beautiful"? I can understand if he was making a comment about her practically being a piece of meat, but I think it was an honest, off-the-cuff comment that was positive in regards to her as a person.

Be mad at Martin for not standing firm against the unpleaseables. There was no legitimate reason to remove that tweet.

I agree with both of you.

When I was a young man, Carrie Fisher was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She turned out to be witty and bright as well

That tweet was heartfelt, established context ("when I was a young man"), and ultimately was about how Fisher was MORE than just beautiful. Shame on the complainers, and shame on Steve for caving.

You will be missed, Carrie.



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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
No. Just because her heart stopped doesn't mean she was dead. People's hearts stop all the time and they recover. To say she was dead because her heart stopped even though they got it going again despite the fact she was unconscious is patently retarded.

I don't have the links offhand, but I know for a fact about 10% of cases return to some form of life. Assuming protocols are administered and followed.

Some day when Uncle Sam bucks up the cash and stops getting raped by private contractors, there will be portable ventilators available on the plane incase of cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest caused by long flights is at a high enough rate to be a public health concern. My friends father had the same type of long distance issue and was advised to never fly again by his doctor. He survived.

All I know is, I'm rich, I'm going on life support for AT LEAST 30 days minimum before being declared legally dead. My significant other will make sure of it. White coats will be told exactly "shut the fuck up, we're rich, deal with it and put her in a room on full support".

I feel Carrie didn't get a fair shake here. 10% (cited in the Japanese study posted here) is a great number. She has the money, her estate should have spent it. NEVER listen to doctors. Most of them don't know their asshole from their elbow.

You spend the fucking money, because life is worth it. You only get one.