what happens if you dont get enough attention? i feel like you would go into convulsions if you dont get the required amount. go stalk Spronk some more, he might notice you.Chukzombi no US/UK translation lessons on "garbage" for you until after the funeral
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what happens if you dont get enough attention? i feel like you would go into convulsions if you dont get the required amount. go stalk Spronk some more, he might notice you.
i dont even care about your silly words in england for garbage. i'm curious how many replies a day you need from me for you to feel better about yourself? cuz it feels iike a lot.It's amazing how thin skinned the denizens of this forum are. You took a reference to an earlier conversation as a slight, seriously?
i dont even care about your silly words in england for garbage. i'm curious how many replies a day you need from me for you to feel better about yourself? cuz it feels iike a lot.
Mebe the dingo ate ur baby, fatheadKeep going, I'm about to finish
lulz what a faggot, he is exactly what these faggot butterknifers deserve
Yeah, what do we know. You guys just have a bunch of people queuing up to steal your dudes pens
Joke about pens LMAO what did they thINK was going to hapPEN
Fuck those scroungers and make them pay their fair share of taxes like the rest of us (many pay NOTHING). Their "economic contribution" to the UK economy is also Monarchist propaganda... FACT CHECK: Does the monarchy really pay its way?
Xposting from the politics thread because... god damn this deserves it...
Her forefathers were no different than Saddam Hussain and I show the dead queen (and current king) the same reverence I would show the descendants of Saddam. Queen Victoria's extended family is also directly responsible for WW1 happening the way it did and I can think of no single family with more blood on it's hands.
While I don't think they should be killed for the sins of their fathers, I also don't think they should be supported by the state. Give them Balmoral and let them keep their current amount of money, then dissolve the monarchy and turn the rest into museums and national parks/historical sites. Productive lands like farms should be sold off to the highest bidders (to UK citizens or companies).
Furthermore, they are, in a way, prisoners in a gilded cage, so such a compromise has benefit to them as well.
They were once considered the owners of all of the British Empire that was bought with the blood of their citizens, and their holdings are a unique situation that would be difficult to untangle.