Robert Jackson Bennett


<Silver Donator>
I finished The Troupe last night. I am really digging his style of writing and the settings. Is the Founders Trilogy going to disappoint me after those three stand alone novels?
Sorry I guess the thread fell off my radar. I never read that series, so it could be a roll of the dice. I guess check them out and see if it's worth it, and if it's good I might go ahead and pick them up.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Sorry I guess the thread fell off my radar. I never read that series, so it could be a roll of the dice. I guess check them out and see if it's worth it, and if it's good I might go ahead and pick them up.

The first one was really good. He really has a way of crafting a weird, compelling setting. I started the second one, got 50 pages in, it didn't catch me so I stopped and don't know how I feel about it so far. His one shot novels were great, but just the start to this second one where he is re-introducing the characters and the setting is just so fucking boring. I will power through it and report back once I finish the latest Stephen King short story collection, You Like It Darker. Spoiler alert: King is still the best horror short story writer in the world.
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<Silver Donator>
The first one was really good. He really has a way of crafting a weird, compelling setting. I started the second one, got 50 pages in, it didn't catch me so I stopped and don't know how I feel about it so far. His one shot novels were great, but just the start to this second one where he is re-introducing the characters and the setting is just so fucking boring.
Yeah the guys really creative, and he writes pretty decent dialogue and compelling characters, but it almost kind of seems like a Stephen King deal where his original novels were the best and then you just kind of tapers off. I don't know. I just haven't read any of his newest stuff.

There is another...

I don't remember if I had mentioned it in this thread, but got to shill for my boy Nick Cutter. If you like some pretty horrific, Lovecraftian fiction, you should check his body of work out. LiquidDeath LiquidDeath , he has three novels that would be right up your alley. Again, all of the audio versions are fantastic. I think I've listened to all of his novels three times at this point, they're just probably the best horror fiction that's come out in recent memory.
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I like his stand alones. I personally liked the Founders Trilogy. His new murder mystery series is pretty cool as well. He's releasing the second book of his new series Shadows of Leviathan every year now, instead of every 2 years which he did with Founders Trilogy.

My favorite character in the Founders Trilogy was Clef. Robert Jackson Bennett does a good job of making him a loveable character. Also I liked Orso a lot.
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<Silver Donator>
I like his stand alones. I personally liked the Founders Trilogy. His new murder mystery series is pretty cool as well. He's releasing the second book of his new series Shadows of Leviathan every year now, instead of every 2 years which he did with Founders Trilogy.

My favorite character in the Founders Trilogy was Clef. Robert Jackson Bennett does a good job of making him a loveable character. Also I liked Orso a lot.
Shit, might have to check them out. Thank you sir. For a lurker to come out of nowhere and talk about this oddball topic, well I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Just makes sense that they're being genuine about it.

Right on...🙂

Unless you're some sort of Robert Jackson Bennett bot army to drive sales to his audible library!


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Glad this got bumped so I can remember to start a few of these after wrapping up 3 Body re-read finally. Was trying to remember what was next on my list.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I like his stand alones. I personally liked the Founders Trilogy. His new murder mystery series is pretty cool as well. He's releasing the second book of his new series Shadows of Leviathan every year now, instead of every 2 years which he did with Founders Trilogy.

My favorite character in the Founders Trilogy was Clef. Robert Jackson Bennett does a good job of making him a loveable character. Also I liked Orso a lot.
I finished Boom 1 the other night and am about 50% in to Book 2. It is a cool setting and some neat ideas with the sigil system. Book 2 is more enjoyable so far because the introduction and groundwork was laid and he can explore more ideas and flesh them out. We’ll see if it continues.

However! The dialogue is pretty horrific most of the time. Maybe I’m getting too old but every other word is either goddamn or shit in conversations, places where no one would regularly cuss or emphasize things. It is jarring for some reason. Something else I read recently suffered from the same, where the same language was used for all characters (not specifically swearing) and so it became difficult to really tell who was talking without being stated and it took away from them building unique personalities.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I finished Boom 1 the other night and am about 50% in to Book 2. It is a cool setting and some neat ideas with the sigil system. Book 2 is more enjoyable so far because the introduction and groundwork was laid and he can explore more ideas and flesh them out. We’ll see if it continues.

However! The dialogue is pretty horrific most of the time. Maybe I’m getting too old but every other word is either goddamn or shit in conversations, places where no one would regularly cuss or emphasize things. It is jarring for some reason. Something else I read recently suffered from the same, where the same language was used for all characters (not specifically swearing) and so it became difficult to really tell who was talking without being stated and it took away from them building unique personalities.

Ok, so I tore through book 1 of the Founder's Trilogy and really liked it but it took me something like 4 months to get through book 2. Now I am 30 pages into book 3 and I fucking hate it. I think I have decided that the dialogue, the constant bitching about slavery/colonialism, and all of the talk about consent and merging with the the technology from last book. It is exhausting and just dumb. It sucks because I have loved all of his standalone books but this makes me not want to start his other trilogies (even the one he hasn't finished yet). His born/raised/living in Austin is just too much for him to overcome in a multi-book story arch.

Edit: He also killed/changed my favorite two characters at the end of book 2 and now leaves us with a full cast of females as the main all of them. None of them are particularly likeable and their inner monologue is just the same shit over and over again.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Ok, so I tore through book 1 of the Founder's Trilogy and really liked it but it took me something like 4 months to get through book 2. Now I am 30 pages into book 3 and I fucking hate it. I think I have decided that the dialogue, the constant bitching about slavery/colonialism, and all of the talk about consent and merging with the the technology from last book. It is exhausting and just dumb. It sucks because I have loved all of his standalone books but this makes me not want to start his other trilogies (even the one he hasn't finished yet). His born/raised/living in Austin is just too much for him to overcome in a multi-book story arch.

Edit: He also killed/changed my favorite two characters at the end of book 2 and now leaves us with a full cast of females as the main all of them. None of them are particularly likeable and their inner monologue is just the same shit over and over again.

Yeah, I think when posting I was at the start of book 2 and arrived at the same opinion as you. It took me a long time, relatively, to finish book 3. I don't look back at it fondly and wouldn't even care if a special edition was ever released. Do need to read some of his standalone stuff though, maybe do that after finishing Coldfire trilogy.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, I think when posting I was at the start of book 2 and arrived at the same opinion as you. It took me a long time, relatively, to finish book 3. I don't look back at it fondly and wouldn't even care if a special edition was ever released. Do need to read some of his standalone stuff though, maybe do that after finishing Coldfire trilogy.

I was so dissatisfied with the first part of book 3 that I just went to find a summary and found this on Reddit. It seems like I dodged a bullet reading the rest of it since this person seems to have the exact same problem with the books that I have.

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