We need more penises around here.Are you in favor of more dick or less dick?
hmmmHello gentleman, as promised this is the basic framework of rules we came up with. While many of these rules have to stay in place because of the legalities of being attached to a company, we're holding an open forum on what you guys think. Tell us what you want added and what you'd change. Thanks for reading and happy posting.
~Middle management
No real life information about Rerolled users (Present or Past) without the consent of the person in question.
ScreenShots/Rickshaw are NSFW forums, browse at your own risk.
Illegal/scat/gore/promoting abuse (human or animal)/dying images and gifswill be purged
No penetration porn
Dicks in spoilers (Hint: if you click on a spoiler in the fsr, you're getting a dick or a cat .gif)
No gif bombs in the fsr (gifs are acceptable, but use moderation)
Obvious troll threads will be given their day in the sun then tossed in the shaw
Grown-up forum will be relativley heavily moderated (It's for adults, acting like adults)
Your avatar will be fucked with. Give Tuco negs to offset this injustice
Outside of these rules, forum self-policing with rep and discussing what you want to talk about
Where would be the proper MB to post such graphic material?that sounds reasonable.
so no GIFs at all allowed in Screenshots?Of all the mods it was Tarrant who finally edited the rules. Oh the humanity.
He posted elsewhere, the ask amod thread, that he would not sanction those who did, just move the gifs to the gif thread eventually. Post away mateso no GIFs at all allowed in Screenshots?
Good to know.
No Pedo stuff
No animal abuse
No Penetration (hasn't been enforced for awhile, will begin to happen again me thinks...it'll start with warnings though.)
No massive amounts of dicks, all should be spoilered. (example, a dudes dick was posted a bit ago where he had a tattoo inside his pee hole *metal as fuck*, that was okay. Multiple picks of dudes posing with their dicks? Naw bro, keep it to yourself)
No Poop
No .gifs(No infractions or warnings have been given for this and I doubt ever will. I'll just continue to move them to the animated .gif thread as I have been doing for the last month or two.)
I think that's roughly it.