Rules of Rerolled, first draft edition


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It really depends on the thread to be honest. I think a lot of people here forget exactly how derailed some threads on FoH would become after 15 pages of two posters flinging their own feces at the keyboard and hitting enter. Seriously, there were some threads there where I would just hit the skip 10 pages forward button to STILL find a thread being shit all over by two windowlickers.

Personally I have no problem with someone calling someone else out on being an idiot if that person did something incredibly silly or on poor judgment. But I do have a problem with two people derailing a thread for over five pages or more where it's obvious neither side will give in on their divine opinions.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
God (c'thulu, xeno, whoever) forbid there is one forum section where you need to act like a civilized human being and not an inebriated monkey. It is clear this is unpossible for many of you and that's ok. There's plenty of other forum sections just for you.


2 Minutes Hate
Sex, jizz, gore, and penetration was all acceptable in FoH as long as it was spoilered because the responsiblity is in the viewers hands.
Illegal shit..obvious.

But the rest can just be easily spoilered like it was. If people don't like that stuff they don't have to click the button, it's a gamble but hey that's how it is.
I think with the excpetion of the illegal stuff that everything else be allowed IF spoilered. Then you don't know if you're getting a fluffy cat, or a bald kitty being ram rodded by a 13in dildo connected to the front of an RC truck or a sneezing pussy.

Just sayin'
A lot of that stuff was not acceptable for a very long time on FOH.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Police the Grownup sub forum and gaming forums, but the Screenshots (and to a lesser extent General) should remain mob rules. I know you guys are trying to attract developers back to the forum, but none of them are comming back after the (deserved) ass reamings Curt and Brad got for their bullshit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I said this on Morenetz before the madness, but I'll say it here again.

Lots of people including me browse the forums at work. Isn't it common sense to contain the NSFW and donger shenannigans to screenshots? That way people can comfortably read and contribute to the majority of the board without having to worry about a shitting dick nipple appearing on their screen.
Yeah, you're not remembering history very well. Up until a little over a year ago, no cocks were allowed to be posted, period. Not to mention penetration. Gore was never allowed. Shit like fatmanjizzinginbeard.gif would have been removed over there just as quickly as it was here. Even as recently as a few months ago you had controversy in FSR over other people getting infracted/rickshawed/whatever for posting shit similar to Fedor.

This FoH you speak of bro, it didn't exist.
One of us is confused then, because at the FoH I remember you could find images of just about anything you could imagine penetrating anything else you could imagine. Granted most were posted by Fedor and the rules never seemed to apply to him the same way. I don't see any reason to restrict screenshots other than to require spoilers for the really objectionable stuff. Keep the other forums SFW.

I don't see the issue with the grown-up forum either. If you don't like it stay out. There are 18 other forums to troll.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, you're not remembering history very well. Up until a little over a year ago, no cocks were allowed to be posted, period. Not to mention penetration. Gore was never allowed. Shit like fatmanjizzinginbeard.gif would have been removed over there just as quickly as it was here. Even as recently as a few months ago you had controversy in FSR over other people getting infracted/rickshawed/whatever for posting shit similar to Fedor.
This is not even close to accurate, at all. On noows there were no rules, but Screenshots was used mostly for actual screenshots back then. The first rule imposed on was Furor's NO PORN rule, which was loosely enforced for a little bit to the point that it spawned the PGT. Then Brittney was put as a Screenshots mod and rules were extremely loose until towards the end of his reign where pressure to be less retarded about certain shit was put upon him. Then Millie cracked down like it was going out of style until he was eventually ousted, and Ravvenn assumed control of the whole shebang and the rules got tighter and tighter still. No cocks allowed?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, no. Cocks were not allowed for a long time.

edit: I spent more time posting pics in the FSR than anyone for a few years there. Before it became a redundant dump for Reddit. There were no cocks. Then there were lots of cocks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You're dumb and wrong. Pasting cocks onto random pictures was a Big Deal when aychamo was a name in Screenshots. I'm sure he's still got a few pictures from back in the day laying around if you ask him about it. Not to mention the one of Furor's face + Blade of Carnage put onto that guy in a dress trying to fuck his car's exhaust pipe. Furor thinks dicks are funny, thus it stands to reason they were fair game for quite awhile. And they were.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And there was the great thread with the pencil drawing that got bedicked. None of that changes the fact that the FSR was a dick-free zone for a very long time.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Pretty sure he banned the guy who shooped that one, or was it the one where someone referenced his relationship with Raven?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And there was the great thread with the pencil drawing that got bedicked. None of that changes the fact that the FSR was a dick-free zone for a very long time.
Yes it does, because it wasn't. You're simply wrong. You may be misremembering it, or maybe you weren't here back then, but Screenshots was very much an anything goes place for a very long time. You can trust me on this, I'm not exactly a lurker in these matters you know.

The pussy on the pedestal comic is the one that got someone banned iirc. Car exhaust pipe photochop was in the Imitation Picture Thread I want to say? Seems like it. Many years earlier.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
noows join date, Jan 2002. Around from day one. No dicks in the FSR for a lot of it's life. No point arguing, ask Ravv she's around.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We're arguing different things. I didn't say at the start in the highlighter days. I said much of it's life. Mid-life I guess. When my rose tinted glasses tell me it was good.

All moot, it ended on cocks and it's staying cocks.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The board was around for over 10 years, so both instances could be for "a very long time".