The Brazilian government is basically using this to send a message. You go over there, break shit, and file false police reports in order to make them look bad. They have to do something.
Against Ryan owns words, that there was damage?
If he had said, there was no damage done, it was fabricated, then yes, but he conceded there was damage.
He never said, look there was no damage done.
Again I know English is rough for you but the poster you are arguing with said there were no damages to the bathroom, not that there was no damage. How do you say bathroom in spanish?
If they never filed a police report, then why were they charged by the police with filing a false police report?
Something smells rotten in brazil!!
I read another article, in where they stated that the guards that held him, were in fact members of the police, another state, but police nonetheless.
In the light of this new evidence, I retract my support. The police is in no business of extorting/receiving money in exchange for leniency. If if would have been among private citizens, then it would have not been extortion.
Y'all are acting like run of the mill extortion of (rich) foreign sports stars is completely out of the question. Run of the mill extortion in a third world country is something Leandarios should at least understand well. I mean come on dude.
Yea, i couldn't give 2 shits if the whole of South America goes to shit, wtf is even there? rain forests? Yo i got a tree in my backyard, don't need no 3rd world trees.Lol who gives a fuck anymore? The Brazil olympics are over. We never have to think about that diseased shitstain of a country and their worthless people unless they do something that necessitates bombing their ass into the Stone Age. Like discovering oil.
Our swimming bros are home with armfuls of gold medals. Everyone is happy.
the hottest women in the world? ancient artifacts going back 5000 years? if the US was running that shit i can bet you it wouldnt be a shithole. well maybe if they started running it now. but if Teddy Roosevelt had his hands on it? that shit would be poppin with awesome.Yea, i couldn't give 2 shits if the whole of South America goes to shit, wtf is even there? rain forests? Yo i got a tree in my backyard, don't need no 3rd world trees.
We were running Panama for awhile and it was still a giant shithole.