Why do I feel like careful application of this form of leverage could save my life after a villain tries to slowly and sloppily throw me off a cliff?
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We have said this for years. Kids playing outside in the dirt eating mud pies exposes them to all sorts of nasty stuff that they need to experience when they are young and strong. Its the reason I dont use anti-bacterial soap. Some bacteria is good and you need it.Interesting experiments with tracking correlation between childhood illness and outdoors play
How mud boosts your immune system
From stress relief to anti-inflammatory effects, scientists are discovering that the right kind of dirt can have a powerful impact on kids' wellbeing.www.bbc.com
yeah, I never got this - soap is inherently antibacterial, no need to add antibiotics or whatever bullshit they add to make it antibacterial.It isn’t the bad stuff that helps based on this, it is the beneficial or medium tier stuff. The medium tier stuff is basically easy mode bacteria that can help train your immune system with minimal/no risk to yourself
Anti bacterial soap is an overkill scam anyways. Washing your hands well with regular soap is usually more than adequate to get rid of most of the unwanted stuff on your hands
Prepare for... unforseen consequences.![]()
HAARP to begin largest set of experiments at its new observatory
Thirteen experiments to be conducted over 10 days at HAARP.uaf.edu
Not if it's a tank top!For now...
Welcome to the future where everything, including what you wear, is an arms race.
Interesting experiments with tracking correlation between childhood illness and outdoors play
How mud boosts your immune system
From stress relief to anti-inflammatory effects, scientists are discovering that the right kind of dirt can have a powerful impact on kids' wellbeing.www.bbc.com
It does.hopefully for my daughter cow shit and goat shit in dirt/mud improve the immune system even more