- 14,930
- -1,249
huge if true and IF you can make a lot of this into "wire" relatively inexpensively.
that will be the true challenge...mass production. just because it works "small" scale doesn't mean you get a lot cheaply
and can it be done in powerful enough wires to be avail for consumer. right now it is doing millivolts? milliamps? of power. we need these to be able to do 100's of volts 24/7/365
claims oh we can save 3 nuclear power plants worth of energy a year if all was switched..well that is the problem.
all switching, how many hundreds of thousands or millions of miles of wire/conduit this would be needed?
in new york city alone there are almost 6 thousand miles of roadways, each needing electricity lines to service each building. just doing major transmission lines would require probably around 100 thousand miles of this stuff. and it would take DECADES to do it all.
i see this stuff first coming out in SMALL electronics and then ramping up to larger electronics over time- again if this works and is about cost wise the same as copper....
They're not going to be building transmission lines out of this stuff any time soon. It will be a massive invention if they can just use it internally in microchips.