Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?


Avatar of War Slayer
The biggest surprise to me in this study: there are people out there who only poop 2-3 times a week but consider themselves healthy. Its the "healthy at any size" equivelent in the world of digestive physiology. Holy shit man, if you're only pooping 2-3 times a week take the day off work TODAY and see a doctor TODAY.
Funny to relate it to healthy at any size, because for me it directly equates to how much I eat. If I am eating over 2000 Calories a day, then I usually poop every day. If I am eating 1000 to 1500 Calories a day (heavy cutting diet), then it's 1 to 2 days between poops. If I am fasting for 2+ days, then it might be 3 days between poops. I don't think I have ever pooped more than once a day and not considered it diarrhea; 3 times a day just sounds ridiculous to happen all the time.


Egg Nazi
Funny to relate it to healthy at any size, because for me it directly equates to how much I eat. If I am eating over 2000 Calories a day, then I usually poop every day. If I am eating 1000 to 1500 Calories a day (heavy cutting diet), then it's 1 to 2 days between poops. If I am fasting for 2+ days, then it might be 3 days between poops. I don't think I have ever pooped more than once a day and not considered it diarrhea; 3 times a day just sounds ridiculous to happen all the time.
This is a solved problem.

Seriously. If you're only pooping every few days, stop whatever else you have planned for today and solve that problem. Its not OK. You're gonna feel like an entirely different person and regret the wasted years.
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<Bronze Donator>
"Aldarion" and "poop shaming" was not on my bingo card, but at the same time, feels completely within character.
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Egg Nazi
Bruh, I'm sharing old guy tips with my fellow old men. "Poop shaming". Where do you people come up with this shit?

Also, sounds like something a weekly pooper would say


Avatar of War Slayer
This is a solved problem. View attachment 537271

Seriously. If you're only pooping every few days, stop whatever else you have planned for today and solve that problem. Its not OK. You're gonna feel like an entirely different person and regret the wasted years.
I use Benefiber, since it has zero taste and dissolves almost completely in water/tea. What I stated is with fiber supplement, unless I am already eating enough fiber naturally in the 2000+ Cal a day diet. I learned the hard way a long time ago with the 1200 Cal cutting diet of 80%-90% chicken breasts. Without the fiber, it makes you shit tree bark.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
This would be pretty big if true - if complex life developed on Earth more than once, then the probability of complex life on other planets skyrockets significantly

And it also diminishes one of the possible great filters of Drake's Equation (complex lifeforms).
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what Suineg set it to

So here's a question, how many of these species maintain learned traits and behaviors brought about by environmental conditions that can't be replicated?

Just thinking about domesticated animals like dogs, they basically have some instinctual habits or I guess you could say anatomically informed behaviors, but other parts of their behavior is entirely predicated on how they are raised and if they are socialized with other dogs and things like that.

Would a Jurassic Park style woolly mammoth really be an Elephant of Theseus at this point?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

So here's a question, how many of these species maintain learned traits and behaviors brought about by environmental conditions that can't be replicated?

Just thinking about domesticated animals like dogs, they basically have some instinctual habits or I guess you could say anatomically informed behaviors, but other parts of their behavior is entirely predicated on how they are raised and if they are socialized with other dogs and things like that.

Would a Jurassic Park style woolly mammoth really be an Elephant of Theseus at this point?
I assume it would behave similarly to an elephant that's born in captivity. There are the innate behaviors but whatever amount of mammoth specific behaviors that would have been taught are lost.

I'd guess there are studies that have been done to compare this kind of thing wild vs captive.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You’d run into the same issue if aliens decided to de-extinct humans a billion years from now: while some behaviors are instinctual / coded, most are learned through social interaction. You could learn somethings about human behavior, but most of it would be influenced by the environment and what is taught to them, which would be far removed from a natural human population

There was some movie called Mother (I think) that sort of played with this idea: an AI is tasked with reviving humans after they all died out. Since there are no humans around, the AI is the sole interaction the revived human has and the AI has to try to adapt its teaching to steer the human away from certain instincts it may have. Like for example, it gives a moral quandary of what happens if you have 5 sick people and they can be cured by killing 1 healthy person and using the organs to heal the 5 sick people. The AI makes it clear the only “correct” answer is the kill 1 to save 5.

That Raised by Wolves show sort of dabbled with the same concept