- 16,305
- -2,233
Oh I was talking about complete drains on society, not you.
is a_skeleton_03 talking about me? is he saying giving cancer patients chemo on medicare is draining society?
Oh I was talking about complete drains on society, not you.
Honestly though, death in general is lame. I got bullied once by this kid in Elementery school. One incident. Was totally benign but one of those childhood things that stuck with you. I always remembered him and that one time he decided to take my baseball glove (I was throwing against a net after class) and toss it on the roof of the school and pushed me down and laughed. That's it. Can remember it clear as day. We never once interacted after that in any meaningful way. Same middle school, high school and shared some friends is all.The people that should die never do, do they?
Dude, you're the one going to a funeral tomorrow...c'mon now.typical that everyone was having a good time and laughing and jokingly giving each other shit... until old grumpy serious a_skeleton_03 "Why do you think i'm bipolar is it because i'm the biggest douche in the universe" fuckshit shows up and makes shit all awkward and sucks the fun out of everything
Honestly though, death in general is lame. I got bullied once by this kid in Elementery school. One incident. Was totally benign but one of those childhood things that stuck with you. I always remembered him and that one time he decided to take my baseball glove (I was throwing against a net after class) and toss it on the roof of the school and pushed me down and laughed. That's it. Can remember it clear as day. We never once interacted after that in any meaningful way. Same middle school, high school and shared some friends is all.
He died of a brain tumor a few years ago. He was a vet. A good one too. He moved away and went to school and fixed dogs and cats. When a friend told me "Hey, you remember Shawn BlaBla? Yeah dead of a brain tumor". I was (and obviously still am) super upset by that. Like...irrationally upset by this nobody dying.
So yeah I lost the thread of what you were saying, but I think for some people, losing anyone is just a shitty thing we all get to deal with. Its one of those universal constants that makes us all similar.
Dude, you're the one going to a funeral tomorrow...c'mon now.
I'm not aw...Hes not awful!yup and i just wanted to shit post in here and joke around with you dudes, then a_skeleton_03 shows up with his legitimate serious hatred instead of the usual fun joking kind most people have here on Fires of Heaven and sucks the fun out of shit
and he wonders why everyone thinks he's bipolar
yes i'm fucking rustled i don't care he's an awful fucking human being
yes i know it's the internet, yes i think it's possible to be an awful human being to someone on the internet
Aww did little dick get his feelings hurt many moons ago?
hrm, wonder what that would look like to someone.
I take a break for a few hours, and come back to this. I did warn him and he didn't drop it. He must not have cared if he got a month temp ban, so there we are.
Now, let's all drop the oblique threats against forum members, shall we?
and he wonders why everyone thinks he's bipolar
yes i'm fucking rustled i don't care he's an awful fucking human being
he's really gonna pretend hes not clicking "display content" or whatever the fuck on my posts
Grandchildren will want to say hello. We'd miss you too. Always a reason to stick around. It's more about the journey than the distination anyway. Now don't you die on us,I'm an epicurean when it comes to my inevitable demise. I'm okay with it.
Woulda sucked for my wife though. Only reason I give a shit one way or the other. I've reproduced, the kids are adults or near enough, my job here is done as far as I'm concerned. The rest of this is a party in the waiting room for eternal sleep.
Fucking hell is everyone on this forum dying or having their family dying?!?!
We ain't that fucking old bois!
I never had any of the three of you actually ignored. I didn’t care about any of you on the grand stage of it all. You three are annoying though because your such easy Charlie Brown style victims. You were “just offering suggestions” like I am a gentle soothing personality that gets along with everyone. Your delivery was awful, your suggestions were not much better, and your skin was thin like tissue paper.If I cared I find all your "Hoss and Dick are the worst people on the earth" posts. You probably hoped I'd die too, I don't recall. Sounds pretty dick hurt. Of course, half the time you would play it off as persona... hrm, wonder what that would look like to someone.
All I ever did at the start was offer suggestions for the forums in its infancy and you were always getting butthurt that someone would disagree with you. Obviously got worse from there on both sides, but you were always a dick.