How far into the game are Ashina Arts?
I built up a ton of skill points (like 25 IIRC) when I was trying out the game in the past. I put a lot of them into Shinobi Arts and I think I might have wasted some levels because some of those don't look like things I'll use. Also got the heal potion upgrades in Prosthetic Arts, which are good buys at least. Would much rather be spending points on Ashina Arts. Though at this point I don't have any points left out of the large amount I started with, so buying into that tree is gonna take some work.
Playing quite a bit of this this morning, officially sold on giving it a real shot. Enjoying the hell out of it so far. Bunch of thoughts:
-Circle dodging being so damn ineffectual in this game is really throwing me off. So used to using that in like, every game.
-Keeping block up to regen the bar, when you put block down to do that in every other From game, is also throwing me off. Trying to get used to just holding block up except to release and tap for parries. My brain always defaults to "put block down after enemy attacks".
-I wish there was a way to change your appearance a bit. A black coat would be pretty cool. Being stuck with this brown coat with stains on it and looking homeless for the entire game isn't that appealing. But I guess it's part of the whole humbling aesthetic of this thing.
-I love the charged firecracker move. Totally wrecks things. Getting prosthetics was really the game-changer moment where the game started being less frustrating and more fun.
-Have that and the Axe equipped, haven't really used the axe yet. I know it's for breaking shields, wondering if it has any other notable uses.
-Horse boss was a great fight, really enjoyable. Took like six tries, but once I figured him out I started feeling like it's a pretty easy fight that I was only losing due to nerves. So I chilled out and got him on the next go. One of those fights where on the go where I got him, I knew I had his number and a win was inevitable.
-Finding the parry window SUPER generous compared to the last parry-heavy games I played (Wo Long and Lies of P). The only problems I'm running into are when I get ganged up on by multiple foes and don't have any firecracker ammo. Multi-foe battles in this game are not the best, because as
said, their combos tend to be extended and obnoxious.
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One more thing: I don't know what's wrong with Kotaku, or why they've infested the gaming world with all this "easy mode" whining that's pretty much always directed at Fromsoft games. Almost every game does have an easy mode. Not every game is for everyone. I don't expect every complex game to be dumbed down so I can "access" it. Either I learn their systems and rise to their level, or they're not for me.
That said, I can't think of a time where an easy mode ruined a game (except maybe the recent Spider-Man 2 having toggle-able invincibility, which totally drained all of the intensity out of that game). I do think it would ruin Elden Ring or Sekiro though. The whole point of ER is the journey and the overcoming of it that makes you a better person. That IS the story. And Sekiro...without the challenge factor, these incredible battles would cease to be incredible, it'd just be any other game. I'm not going to avoid easy mode if it's there. If a game asks more of me though, I'll rise to the challenge. So I'm glad the option isn't there and every win feels super earned. But that's just me.