the numbers dont really matter as much as the sentiment and effort behind them. at the end of this month i probably will have spent 12 or more real life hours simply handing out nets and updating the thread. if people really want their nets removed or kept, then i urge our wonderful mods to give the poll more than 2 days. give it til the end of the month and see whats on top.The system is broken chuk. Your thread didn't break it, but it did showcase one of the problems with it. The system wasn't suppose to encourage circlejerks for people to get high numbers who didn't deserve them. It also encouraged certain people to gang up and neg bomb people they don't like. The FoH setup sucked too, but our current system is a total cluster fuck. People in the netsmas thread should of seen this coming honestly.
Edit: I joined in on that thread simply to help the problem along. Sooner or later it was going to be a total joke. With people sitting at +1000 or more. Maybe this way something that actually works comes along. I am okay with them just vanishing too though. It was a old FoH joke that lasted way longer then it should have.
how is it broken though? its doing exactly what its always doing. i still gets negs from people for absolutely no reason other than i exist. negging people or nets them means whatever people want them to mean. if i have more nets or negs than some does that make me the awesome or the worst? for me a plus is never bad and to give them out i hope everyone who recives some nets from me gets a little thrill that somebody out there is wishing them well. thats only this month though. after december yall can go eff off!The amount of effort you chose to put into that thread is your problem dude. You wasting your time isn't a valid reason to keep a broken system.
nah i will keep doing what im doing. if some elitist board jockey doesnt like it because free nets for netsmas is rocking the boat then all the more reason to keep on rocking it.Whatever.![]()
I wouldn't keep wasting your time in that thread if I was you.
If internets are meaningless then getting rid of them/changing them shouldn't bother anyone."Internets are meaningless, get a life".
and leaving them alone should not bother anyone either. your argument is like saying why should people own a porsche or cadillac when a toyota tercel does the exact same job and more reliably. lets ban any car with style or the ability to excede the speed limit. nets do not hamper anyone's posting abilitiy in any way. stop worrying about what people do with them. if people want to build them up and you dont care about it, then how does that affect you?If internets are meaningless then getting rid of them/changing them shouldn't bother anyone.
You said 81 people voted no, and three hours later it's just 70 no votes. What's going on here?based on what? a poll thats only been up a few days and is around 50/50 for/against?
81 people voted no and 84 voted yes.