Looks like Windows is getting us 1 step closer to where I see mobile computing going in the future. I still think we'll eventually get to the point where you just purchase 1 "master" device, a phone that houses whatever CPU/GPU/RAM that you choose. Then at that point, you can use your phone to power various larger "shells" in the form of your tablet, laptop, etc. It would be a more economical solution as you could get your new CPU/OS upgrade every year or two, and just plug them into cheaper shells (8" screen to make a tablet, 15" screen + keyboard for your full laptop, etc). Maybe the laptop shell not only has the keyboard and 15" screen, but also your optical drive and more storage(Hard drive).
Once phones are powerful enough to drive displays of those sizes (we're pretty much there), it would be stupid to buy a $600 phone, a $600 tablet, and a $1000 laptop that all do basically the same thing, just in varying sizes. That's a lot for your average consumer to shell out every couple of years. I'd much rather buy a $600 phone every other year if I knew I could plug it into my same 8" tablet screen and 15" laptop case that I already have. And upgrading those every once in a while would be cheap, since it's basically just a screen, you don't have to re-purchase a CPU/GPU/etc.
You could even use that model all the way up to desktop PCs, even though those might also still have a dedicated GPU+PSU, you'd still save money not having to buy a motherboard/CPU for your desktop.
Not to mention all the convenience of all of your programs + data being on one device, and 100% usable across all of your devices.