Here are two shots, one where OIS would have possibly helped, and the next one that showsI got the shot anyways.Again, significant noise but that is not related to a lack of OIS.
Finally one more where my shutter speed was slower than normal.You can see motion blur on my daughters left hand, but the rest of the shot is sharp and in focus, OIS was not needed.
Those two quotes highlight my problem with no OIS.
Sure, you can
eventuallyget the shot anyways. However, nearly every shot looks worse, has minor flaws (like the blur on your daughter's hand), or takes multiple shots to get the same/similar results. Every single shot from my 920 looked crisp and true to color/life (I wish I still had the comparison shots, but I deleted them from my Moto X months after I sold my 920 and moved everything over to my PC). I didn't have to reshoot the same shot 40 times to get the desired result, I didn't have to play with shutter speeds, focus, any of it. It all just "worked" and it did it on technology that was 2 years older than my Moto X. Now, maybe that isn't related to OIS, but when I see shot comparisons from other OIS vs. non-OIS devices, most of the evidence seems to point to there being a significant difference between the two. Sure, in
mostsituations it may not matter or make a difference, but nearly every camera shot with my Moto X is something I had to shoot 4+ times just to get a "good" result. Some situations were bad enough that it didn't matter how many times I shot the thing, they all looked like shit. And if there isn't absolute
perfectlighting? Fucking forget it.
Video is an area where I think OIS makes a
massivedifference, but I don't really ever shoot video with my phone, so it isn't really a concern to me from that standpoint. I'm also not trying to say that OIS automatically makes the image better in every way. Obviously, it's fairly situational. However, OIS seemingly makes a significant enough difference in the situations where
Iuse a phone to take photos, that I notice it enough to know that I don't want a phone without it.