I am a bit fed up with Verizon's high prices and restrictions on the Nexus devices. Couple that with their slow ass updates and I am seriously considering jumping ship. Right now I pay roughly $200 per month for 3 phones (that includes a 15% discount through work), and my other daughter is going to be added soon as well so my bill will be going up.
I was looking at TMobile and it would only cost me roughly $120-$150 for all 4 lines depending on how much data I get for the family. Now of course I have no idea how good the reception is around here, and especially in my house. AT&T doesn't work at all in our house, so I am curious to see how TMobile would work. I don't know anyone that has the service, so I can't test it in my house.
I am a bit torn on what to do, and how much I would have to pay to get out of the contract. Me and my wife's contract is up in December, but the other phone isn't up until May of 2015 I think. Also, would we even be able to bring our phones over to TMobile with us? 2 of the phones are relatively new so I really wouldn't want to buy new ones, but I may have to.
Not sure what to do...