What kind of fucked up are we talking about?Idk looks like a fun movie to watch while fucked up
Otherwise god help you
I could probably sit through this on shrooms and lsd. Probably need some molly in there too so it isnt a bad trip. Then hate myself for the next month.What kind of fucked up are we talking about?
Like "2 cinder blocks to the back of the head" fucked up?
I dont know man. One time i tried shrooms i eneded up watching a TV that was off for 2 hours and i can bet you that "show" was better than this thing is going to be!I could probably sit through this on shrooms and lsd. Probably need some molly in there too so it isnt a bad trip. Then hate myself for the next month.
Throw on some tunes with ear buds and lose yourself. You may end up fucking a theater seat half way through but it would make this movie bearable.I dont know man. One time i tried shrooms i eneded up watching a TV that was off for 2 hours and i can bet you that "show" was better than this thing is going to be!
I could probably sit through this on shrooms and lsd. Probably need some molly in there too so it isnt a bad trip. Then hate myself for the next month.
That’s like saying I’d rather pop a OxyContin instead of eating the shit out of a homeless man’s asshole in San Francisco.
Welp cannot say I've come across this guy before... more power to him but holleee shit.