actually i think when she found jax with the milf, doctor tara, mother tara went away, at that point it was just woman/old lady tara. the last time that happened to her with the pornstar, she just sulked and took it, this time she was pro-active like jail time.
which brings me back to, why can't soa focus on the pornstars? not like i care about the porn, but like i'm interested to see what lyla is up to (opies wife) all we see is that she is so hard up for cash cuz she is straddled with 2 of op's kids and her own baby that she's gotta do arab torture porn..., and ima get's face smashed again... and that's it. i mean seriously side characters are so much more interesting than any soa. do we really want to know about emo juice? oh wow he's emo, do we wanna know about trannie loving tig? oh let's just give him lots of fucked up sexual shit and peg him as the odd ball, do we care about fat bobby? who is just good at being fat? or scarface chibs?
and i won't ever care about redshirt recruits, they're proven to be super expendable.
i mean i really really really hate side stories in most tv shows, but soa is so bad, i would welcome 1 or 2 eps of a day in the life of nero's brothel, i don't care about the sex stuff, just what they have to do to just live, rather than just be one off eps plot points... omg lyla's been beat up, let's bro-walk out of here!