So I'm confused, seems we have people complaining it was pro-SJW, but the SJW are blowing up twitter. Dammit, need to watch.
It is definitely, 100% lampooning SJW culture. It shows them as raging, violent bullies who use the concept of Social Justice to justify them doing actual harm (Bullying, physical violence), but essentially saying they are doing it to help minorities that aren't even represented in their ranks. They made the Soc Jus people into, literally, a cult like fraternity group.
One of the best parts was they made it a point to warp definitions of words..haha harassment of Kyle became "checking his privilege", and beating up Cartman became defending women and Italians. At the end of the episode they did something that I think mostly people who have been in the recent spats online would recognize, which is why I'm guessing some guys in the thread didn't get it...They had Cartman "see the light" and become an SJW; but then he did some horrifically racist shit, like using child Syrian refugees and launching Tacos to lure in pregnant Mexicans (Not kidding); however he was able to justify it all, and the frat justified it, because it helped check Kyle's privilege. (In other words, they were mocking how many of these people tend to be huge bigots themselves, but cover it up as "for the greater good"--even if they actively denigrate individual minorities...IE rich white dudes speaking for minorities. Essentially Kotaku.)
It was a really good episode. But in the end, the South Park characters "lost" because Kyle had to admit what he didn't want to, and I think people here just thought it was a fucking downer because PC principle was a massive dick, and "won". But if you look at the overall episode they are def going for a theme of SJWs only winning because they are great at using group think to intimidate and cover up their bullying, and also forcing capitulation of moderates by actively making things worse for many people (So moderates, looking to just stop these witch hunters from fucking with people, will give in and say what they want.)