I need another set of eyes on this. So my only concern with PSTH (and its a major one) is that I hold it all in my IRA. I cant trade international in a retirement account, but I believe I can hold the international stock in. But will get boned on taxes. Also to take advantage of the SPARC I would need copious amounts of cash which I am capped by law into depositing.
The second isn't "insurmountable" by waiting until tax day to make my deposit to keep it flexible and allow me to deposit it earlier if the SPARC drops. I have about 500 shares so that would be max of 10k to max out the SPARC. So not impossible.
Im thinking about selling weekly covered calls near the money. If they pop then I can opt to grab some shares or write puts from my brokerage account.
As to the warrants in my IRA I am thinking about not redeeming them and just letting them convert 1:1 into PSTH remainco and see if he gets a good target for that.
Well I already made my vote via selling @ 23.50. THe vote is the 22nd I believe so maybe at least wait till then as this may all be moot if the deal doesn't even happen. As far as the future cash for the SPARC there is no rule that you have to fully participate.
If you do decide to exit , I think selling near or to ATM calls is not a bad way to try to salvage something out of it since the stock should have a pretty strong floor 10% below this price. Maybe just see how many months you can sell $23 strikes, the IV is likely to really decline though.
The warrants I have no idea, are you underwater on them now? Can you just dump them for even?