For Your Eyes Only: In the short story that shares the title with the book Fleming said the Cubans killed the English couple by firing their machines with their monkey hands. Later he says the Cuban women look like monkeys in their dresses. In Hilderbrand Rarity he calls fish ******fish. Surely, he knew the correct term for them.
Thunderball: ******fish again. There's also a passage when Bond and Felix are enjoyin the drink that says, "The barman walked away with Negro dignity". What the hell is Negro dignity?
From Russia With Love: Typical Russian stereotypes. That they are cruel cold people.
You Only Live Twice: Japanese people are so submissive and they need the help of the great English secret agent.
Live and Let Die: Anybody who read this book knows what I mean. The black Americans talk like Jamaicans.
Felix Leiter: He is made to look like he's incompetent compared to Bond. It's an allegory to make America look incompetent to Britain (Fleming, like most Britons of his time, thought the British were a race, only divided into tribes like Scottish, Irish, English, Welsh).