I would like to see Brock get jumped by Joe backstage and at least try and build up this matchup. We all know WWE and Brock didn't take 3 months off as part of his deal to come back and lose at a new PPV so at least do something to show Joe has a chance. I like Brock's character, but damn it really fucks up the entire show's ability to tell a continuing story. We need Braun Hogan back.
Also, not too thrilled with the Fashion Police playing comedy off New Day. Here is my plan for the FP.
They need a Mugatu-like manager to turn them heel. Except they are too nice to be heels. They keep losing because they keep trying to do the right thing. Heels in theory, but the fans will sympathize and hate the Manager. Then at a big PPV they turn face by turning on the Manager. Shit this formula always works.