Sports Entertainment


Trakanon Raider
Zig in at 30. No way he wins this but damn that's who I want.

Fuck its going to be Reigns. So fucking predictable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I guess part of my ambivalence is that I don't know who anyone is anymore, which will happen when you go years without watching WWE, but this was a pretty bad PPV start to finish. I admit though I couldn't stop laughing at the Mizdow shit, and the 3D in the early stages of the rumble was pretty awesome. Other than that, it was a bunch of awful looking matches and a non-stop booing crowd.

The constant boos from the crowd are probably what killed it for me the most. Is this just a Philly thing, or is the WWE really shitting on their fans atm?


Trakanon Raider
Its because everyone can see Reigns was going to win this. He isn't a crowd favorite. He's Cena 2.0. WWE is going to push him to be a winner without having earned it in the eyes of the fans. He's not unlikable. It's that he's got a very limited set of skills, has mediocre mic skills, and is just being pushed cause he's a Vince guy. Oh and it doesn't help that he's related to the Rock. Altogether this shit doesn't fly with fans anymore and I tend to agree.

I can see Reigns winning at WM and Rollins cashing in setting up a matchup of former teammates.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The constant boos from the crowd are probably what killed it for me the most. Is this just a Philly thing, or is the WWE really shitting on their fans atm?
Anything less than Daniel Bryan on the path to a belt is going to get boos, he's that popular. Hell, the fans just booed the Rock over DB not winning. There was a study done showing that he's one of the few stars that around that affects ratings. Hell, Cena comes back from injury and ratings go down, and he's the man.

I thought WWE understood, we want DB, and we want more of him. It's why he was wrestling twice a night. The segments he's in are the highest rated of the night.


Mr. Poopybutthole
As bad as parts of the Rumble were, the championship match was worse. Is that really Brock's gimmick now, that he's just a giant gorilla who no-sells everything and has a grand total of 4 moves? Suplex, German Suplex, the fake Kimura, and the F5? It also looked like he was repeatedly botching the germans, because he kept throwing the guy onto his shoulder instead of onto his back.

I mean fuck, even Goldberg's undefeated streak was more interesting than this JuggerBrock bullshit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Daniel Bryan is way over with the fans and was fan favorite to win.
DB's popularity rivals Hogan's, Stone Cold's and the Rock's at their peak. Hence, the Rock getting booed tonight at the coronation of Reigns as his heir apparent. When was the last time you saw the Rock getting booed as a face?


Trakanon Raider
Vince loves the big uns! Seriously WWE leadership is like Al Davis, Jerry Jones, and Daniel Synder all wrapped into one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean fuck, even Goldberg's undefeated streak was more interesting than this JuggerBrock bullshit.
He's been JuggerBrock ever since he hit the Undertaker and Cena with a bajillion F5's and suplexes, over and over again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He's been JuggerBrock ever since he hit the Undertaker and Cena with a bajillion F5's and suplexes, over and over again.
I hadn't actually paid any attention to his return, other than hearing that they basically gave him a squash match against Cena for the belt.

Only time I ever remember Rock getting booed as a face was his match against Hogan. Was pretty shocking actually.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Only time I ever remember Rock getting booed as a face was his match against Hogan. Was pretty shocking actually.
That should tell you how far over DB is. They could have brought out The Rock, Stone Cold and Hogan to try to give Reigns the crown tonight, and they would all have been booed.

Ponder that.

P.S. Apparently WWE muted out the DB chants at the end of the event.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
DB's popularity rivals Hogan's, Stone Cold's and the Rock's at their peak. Hence, the Rock getting booed tonight at the coronation of Reigns as his heir apparent. When was the last time you saw the Rock getting booed as a face?
They were booing Reigns not the Rock. The Rock got a huge pop when he came out.

DB is over with the WWE fans but he isn't as big as Hogan or Austin. Hogan and Austin brought the WWE into the mainstream which DB will never do.


Silver Knight of the Realm
That was horse shit. Once Bryan was eliminated, I thought maybe, just maybe, it could be a dark horse like Bray Wyatt or someone. But fucking Reigns. It should be pretty telling when the fucking Rock of all people can't get the crowd to stop booing.


Trakanon Raider
They're building Brock as a monster to give someone a big rub. Looks like that guy is going to be Roman Reigns. Predictably, the crowd shit all over this.


Actually loved the title match, outside of JJ security getting involved, as it was the first match in ages that has gotten me pissed at the fall finishes...really thought they were going to do the right thing and put the strap on Rollins (hence the not liking JJ getting involved) but they kept him kind of strong, should have been 2 F5's to finish him though or one on to the case that would have been in position as Brock got up. Can't complain about it too much though and I think it made Seth look believable enough as a challenger for when he goes after Reigns when Lesnar loses at Wrestlemania.

Rumble was fucking boring though, lost all interest once DB was eliminated and Vince tweeted a pic of Rock there earlier in the day. Not sure who's idea it was though to make Reigns look so weak at the end by having him only just manage to eliminate Show and Kane when they'd half eliminated each other already, only worse booking than that was to then have Rusev get thrown out so easily after he'd been resting up on the floor for half the rumble.


Trakanon Raider
I have heard the Yes chant take hold in an MLB game (Nationals), NBA game (Wizards), a college basketball game (GMU), and about 5 comic/anime conventions over the past year. That shit is mainstream enough for me.