I'm not reading whatever bullshit you post to try and justify your shitty life/aspergers/whatever else is wrong with you. If you want to die rather than live because talking to people is hard, there is something wrong with you, period. Not in the generalized way I was talking earlier in this thread, but in a clinical way. You need help. And more importantly, you need to not try and counsel people. Dudes like Leadsalad and Koushirou, they need fucking medical help. They don't need your sad shutin ass trying to tell them the world is the problem, not them. No, they have a problem.Without tryingwhat, is the question? As that article said, if you can objectively point to the ridiculousness, alienation, and overall mental unhealthiness of society, if your mind can objectively look at these facts of reality as they are, does it make any sense to try andadjustto them?
That's actually even more insane.
Going up to a crowd of people, even friends, and trying to discuss the intricacies of Marxist dialectic and expecting enthusiasm when you're not an active member of a student socialist committee or Code Pink is having expectations which are too high.Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I've read too many history books to not realize the world has always been irrational, absurd, and random (cruel). It's not unique to modern life.I'm serious guys. I didn't link that book to just show an air of sophistication or learnedness. It's 8 bucks on Kindle and ~150 pages. It's avery easyread and the first dose of a red pill prescription.
Dude, if any of you ever do become hobos, travel to Lexington, we treat our hobos pretty decently. The Hope Center will give you three hots and a cot pretty much any time, and we even put up signs that say "Support the homeless" that's how much we care.become a hobo. best solution.
So you try and show that people should just commit suicide based on a Macophile not believing in your completely discredited political theories?Try asking someone about Labor Day tomorrow as a example test, a Macophile at StarBucks with his Vonnegut and latte, see what he says.
Certainly more valid and meaningful than doing it because someone at Starbucks doesn't believe in Marxism.If we're going to kill ourselves off, we should at least say we're doing it for the whales or something.
I just used dialectics as an example, one of literally bazillions. It's not that a group of friends isn't interested in talking about dialectics, it's that most people are not interested in anything that has a very real impact on their thought. A consequence of this, is that if you ask them why, they'll often respond that they have no control or that it's so far removed from their everyday reality that they don't care.Dumar, there's a sort of law which is called Hanlon's Razor but was originally conceptualized by Robert Heinlein which is stated thusly
Erich Fromm_sl said:One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.
I'm sorry, I just can't take it any more.You where born with rational thought...
Culture exists as a result of humans interacting. Lamenting culture existing because it creates highways of life and social interactions upon which we travel is your perogative, just don't go throwing yourself off bridges when we don't decide to go along with that world view. Anthropological and sociological fields exist in which to study and understand why our, and other cultures, perform and function the way they do, but your conclusion that they exist solely as sort of (I'm going to put some words in your mouth here please forgive me) shackles and chains with which we are all restrained from our true natures is, again, your perogative to have as a world view. Just don't go overdosing on heroin when the rest of us choose not to agree.stuff
How do you know? Are you more than one person? Are you in everybody, ala Agent Smith? The ghost in the machine? Of course not. Its extremely self centered and egotistical to even begin to assert this conclusion, because beyond your own facile emic examination, you have no evidence upon which to reach it. And I say facile not to be insulting, but because a viewpoint that simply concludes people are smart, but secretly stupid sheep, is facile. It ignores the complexities of why people behave the way they do, which is an interaction between culture, environment and biology.People never truly feel anything or live their life themselves.
We did live in a completely non manufactured society at one point. It was brutal and basically horrible. As soon as we got smart enough to figure out how to get out of it, we did and never looked back. There's a good reason for why our society manufactures our experiences and our things: Because if it didn't, no one would, and we'd all be banging rocks together to get tonight's meal again.It's manufactured for them
This is pretty much a naturalist fallacy, and a huge leap to conclusions. Just because its manufactured doesn't make it less real, or bad, or fake, or wrong, or whatever, bro. We make these things because we want them. Its okay to like them. And just because you watched a movie doesn't mean you live your entire life by proxy. And of course, even if someone did live their entire lives by proxy, there isn't anything inherently right or wrong or good or bad about that. There is a dichotomy between our traditional ways of living and modern society. But that exists because our culture advances at a rate faster than our biology. Its not a bad thing, necessarily, it does create problems which should be and are addressed as solutions to them become available thanks to technological and other cultural advancements.They experience their life via proxy, manufactured by movies, sports, or religion.
Experience WHAT exactly? What completely natural experience is there that you can't experience in our world that you would want to? Running through the wild hunting a wild boar with a spear in your bullskin mankini? Your argument is the argument of a Luddite basically.And if you try to really feel, really experience something that isn't manufactured, that's when you begin to understand how utterly shallow, insane, and ridiculous modern society actually is.
1. This line is hubristic and arrogant, it presumes that only a depressed person "sees the world as it truly is" that only socially ostracized people can "really" understand reality. This is the logic of a socially ostracized person trying to justify their willful ostracization. It has no basis in reality outside of that fact. Your argument is basically "If you aren't a depressed suicidal person, you don't actually understand reality because you are fooling yourself". Never once does your statement even begin to enter into a realm where some self reflection might exist, which is a big sign that the statement is fallacious and based solely on a selfish and self entitled outlook. I'm a pretty smart fella when I want to be and I've brought two children into this world, rejected vast swaths of cultural expectations and familial expectations, and no, I don't see the world as a depressing place and no I don't feel alienated by society, and I do feel that I see the world as it exists to me, and I don't feel that that involves engaging in any forms of willful ignorance, in fact I despise willful ignorance as a cowardly act.If you see the world as it is, you will be depressed and probably alienated because society is not objectively mentally healthy for the individual.