Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


So your evidence that objects use evil voodoo magic to make people emotionless zombies is an anecdote about a football fan crying on the telephone?

See where I'm going with this whole "unsupported" thing?
What do you mean voodoo magic? The commoditygenerates a response.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What do you mean voodoo magic? The commoditygenerates a response.
Gonna need some peer reviewed research showing that this magic voodoo response you claim exists does so, and that its net impact is to remove portions of a person's capacity for emotional development and happiness in life.

Anyway, I was told as a kid going to church that material objects get in the way of your ability to get close to God and Jesus and to really hear and understand their true purpose for your life.

Its really quite interesting how similar radical Marxist believers are to radical Christians when you think about it.


You must be lost again.

The fan called in crying that his team lost to Clemson. That is an emotional response to a commodity.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You must be lost again.

The fan called in crying that his team lost to Clemson. That is an emotional response to a commodity.
As someone who is a fan of the social sciences, you must know ancedotal evidence is meaningless. Further you must know that one instance of a man crying on the phone isn't evidence for anything, anyway. I mean statistically speaking you've got one blip. We need a line, bro, preferably linear or parabolic and moving in the x and y > 0 direction.


As someone who is a fan of the social sciences, you must know ancedotal evidence is meaningless. Further you must know that one instance of a man crying on the phone isn't evidence for anything, anyway. I mean statistically speaking you've got one blip. We need a line, bro, preferably linear or parabolic and moving in the x and y > 0 direction.
Are you actually making the statement that people in our modern society don't have these types of responses? The line is the biggest line in the history of lines.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm making the statement that your assertion that commodities create a magic response which lessons our humanity is an unsupported claim, to which thus far your support is that a man cried because his football team lost a game.

To which I asked for some actual evidence, at which point you tried to claim that your proof is evident on its face because you say so.

I would like you to explain how you get from a person crying because their team lost a game (he's probably crying because he lost a bet lol) to your conclusion that commodities remove our humanity.

You've got this massive gap here, and you can't even see it.


I never said they created a magic response. I said they created an emotional, psychological response, and this response is generated by the thing, whether it's crying, laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, or anything in-between.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I never said they created a magic response. I said they created an emotional, psychological response, and this response is generated by the thing, whether it's crying, laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, or anything in-between.
And the magic part of this response is that it strips people of their humanity by some mechanism you are incapable of explaining, or proving exists.

Here let me help you

Your claim

A relationship to the world via commodities is not a relationship because you are not experiencing those feelings, emotions, and thoughts based on your direct, sensuous activity, but rather, they're being created by the commodity for you
1. People have lots of relationships. Why does a relationship to a commodity remove the capacity for a relationship with a human being?
2. Why is a relationship to the world via commodities, rather than I guess going out with an axe and a spear and chopping down my own wood to burn my own fire to cook my deer steak I just caught in the woods, exclusive of the capacity to experience feelings emotions and thoughts based on direct, sensuous activity? Am I not touching commodities. If I make an axe out of rock and wood, and use it, is that a commodity? Did it magically remove my humanity? Why not? Can it not be mass produced? Did it not alter my capacity to interact sensuously and directly with my environment?

Your premise does not match your conclusion.

Finally 3. You assert that by mere act of owning commodities, we are stripped of the experience of feelings, emotions, etc. That these commodities are creating emotions for you. How are these emotions created by commodities, if they even exist, which you need to show support for in the first place, by mere fact of their presence, removing our capacity for above said laundry list of things you decry us lacking? To put it another way, how far away do the commodities have to be before their influence wanes? 1 foot? 10? If I fly to the moon and live on fungus and moon water in a vacuum sealed rubber ball, is the fact that my vacuum sealed rubber ball a commodity mean that I still haven't escaped the doom of having all my human emotions stripped away?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I never said they created a magic response. I said they created an emotional, psychological response, and this response is generated by the thing, whether it's crying, laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, or anything in-between.
what's the point of this point.


I don't know what you're talking about with magic. They respond emotionally to the commodity.

It strips them because they're no longer human: their life, the sum of their emotional, psychological responses - in short, their feelings and sensuous experience - is more and more experienced by a sum of commodity generations, not through their direct activity as a human being related to the world and other human beings.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
It strips them because they're no longer human: their life, the sum of their emotional, psychological responses - in short, their feelings and sensuous experience - is more and more experienced as a sum of commodity generations, not through their direct activity as a human being.
So basically, commodities are like the Nightman, trying to sneak into the boy's soul in the bedroom at night, beware if you buy any commodities, they'll STRIP YOU OF YOUR HUMANITY because they exist, and they exponentially grow, until you become like Akira, a giant all consuming blob of evil greediness and sociopathic lack of capacity for empathy or care.

A fetish (derived from the French f?tiche; which comes from the Portuguese feiti?o; and this in turn from Latin facticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object.


Buzzfeed Editor
Now you're just saying random shit. How are they "no longer human"? At what point in human history do you imagine that humans did not have responses to shit like this? Do you take medication for your aspergers, or is that even a thing?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know what you're talking about with magic. They respond emotionally to the commodity.

It strips them because they're no longer human: their life, the sum of their emotional, psychological responses - in short, their feelings and sensuous experience - is more and more experienced by a sum of commodity generations, not through their direct activity as a human being related to the world and other human beings.
what is the point of this point.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If my village mass produces stone axe heads for export and trade for fish, did we lose 1/10th of our humanity, or what? What's the conversion rate on my soul for commodities?

Is there some place I can look that up? I could use a boat. I've always wanted a boat.

How much of a deal did Satan get on Tommy's soul?



Unelected Mod
The ability to trade your "soul" to idiots like Dumar and Lumie for all their goods would be incredible.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
so dumar is basically preaching the Franciscan sect of Christianity.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I've done the live without commodities thing

Its alright I guess. Gotta put up with a lotta dirty hippies though.



Ssraeszha Raider
It strips them because they're no longer human: their life, the sum of their emotional, psychological responses - in short, their feelings and sensuous experience - is more and more experienced by a sum of commodity generations, not through their direct activity as a human being related to the world and other human beings.
I don't understand the reasoning here.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Lizard people bro.

They live in the commodities.

They suck your emotions out and leave you a hollow husk of your former self, a free being meant to run wild in the forests with the jackalopes and the yetis reduced to a dog, less than a dog, a slave of a dog. A dogslave.


Unelected Mod
In Dumar's world is a dog a commodity? It was bred by humans, therefore created by humans, so its a commodity and thereby evil and prone to suck out your soul by mere proximity.

edit: Why do you hate dogs Dumar?