So your rebuttal is basically "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you"?
And make that research modern. As in last 15 years.
Dunno what you're talking about, but sure. On natural vs manufactured experience and a genuine relatedness to your life and the world:
The essence of human life is human activity. Your thoughts are born of your activity, not vice versa: so goes your activity, so too goes your
responsesto activity, your feelings. A relatedness to the world is concerned with your interactions and activities in it
as you. The feelings, emotions, thoughts - all of it, therefore, are the direct result of what you
doin the world, and that, those things bundled up, is the precise relatedness itself.
A relationship to the world via
commoditiesis not a relationship because you are
notexperiencing those feelings, emotions, and thoughts based on your direct, sensuous activity, but rather, they're being created by the commodity for you. So, into existence this commodity springs forth, and through it, through the sum total of all of them you buy, eat, consume, fuck, watch, whatever - the sum total of the
commoditiesdefines your life because that's
precisely howyou experience the world, not directly, not through your activity as your own activity, but generated by the thing, the commodity.
And like I said, as the furthering of culture continues, so will we develop new commodities used to further service this generation, until little or no feelings you experience will be because your direct activity in and upon the world, by your relatedness to it, but more and more by what you buy and consume.
Is that more clear?
As far as peer reviewed research, I answered you. This is sociology with a dose of social philosophy. It probably doesn't exist or has even been attempted. If you find it, lemme know.