Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


But bro, you weren't there. you can't possibly have any perspective if you weren't there.

EDIT: On second thought, I am gonna go fuck a black cunt as my cherry breaker to have perspectivez on both genderz issues and black issues all at the same time. BRB. Gotta check that privilege.
Shit post.


I want to put this nonsense to rest explicitly and concretely, as it's beginning to be the only content of your discourse, and I will be using sources...
Very well said. However, I'm beginning to think you've never had Hodj disagree with you before. You see, it honestly doesn't matter how well you make your point. You can be as clear as a crystal spring and he will continue to misinterpret whatever you say to suit his own argumentative needs. It's not just that he won't admit to being wrong about something, it's that he wholeheartedly convinces himself that he is incapable of being wrong at all. He will sooner intentionally rickshaw a thread through repeated obnoxious (likely drunken) shitposting than admit to being wrong or having misunderstood something. It's happened, I've seen it with my own eyes.

Your patience and maturity have served you well thus far. But they only have so much power against someone whose only end game is to pull you down to his level and make sure you're wrong aboutsomething, even if that something has nothing to do with the point you're trying to make. In any case, those with minds more open than he are reading and appreciating your posts. Please continue regardless of the quality of some of the company you find yourself in.

Well, when you get back, that is.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

The Ancient_sl

Also, I don't exactly get what you are saying about circular arguments with regard to Hodj's statement. Revolution is a social concept, not a physical phenomena, ergo it cannot happen without a society to rebel against. How is that even a remotely debatable concept?
He was dismissing Dumar for neglecting the data points and in his own explanation of the data points explained why they deserved to be neglected.

The Ancient_sl

Which data points is Dumar saying should be neglected?

Hodj was saying that Dumar was neglecting the period of human history which according to Hodj's own statement couldn't possibly have a revolution. How is that portion of human history relevant then?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Hodj was saying that Dumar was neglecting the period of human history which according to Hodj's own statement couldn't possibly have a revolution. How is that portion of human history relevant then?
Because it shows that the history of human history isn't just class struggle.


I'm going to pull my hair out watching this fucking acid base organic chemistry 2 hour long lecture by the way.

2 hours long but I keep going back and going over slides several times so nows its closer to 4 hours between last night and this morning and now.

The Ancient_sl

Look, class struggle wasn't a thing before societies grew large enough to have classes!

That's like me arguing that DUIs aren't dangerous because for the majority of human history they accounted for no deaths.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

Hodj was saying that Dumar was neglecting the period of human history which according to Hodj's own statement couldn't possibly have a revolution. How is that portion of human history relevant then?
Sorry, I misread your statement. I also question whether that period of human history could have a revolution. But then it's just a semantics game of what the definition of revolution is.

The Ancient_sl

Sorry, I misread your statement. I also question whether that period of human history could have a revolution. But then it's just a semantics game of what the definition of revolution is.
I question it too! Then I question "Why is Hodj using it as an example of anything?"


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Look, class struggle wasn't a thing before societies grew large enough to have classes!

That's like me arguing that DUIs aren't dangerous because for the majority of human history they accounted for no deaths.
No one said class struggle and revolution isn't dangerous or isn't worthy of research or whatever the hell it is you're trying to imply here bro.

What was said was that the history of human history is, in fact, greater than just class struggle, greater than just a finite Eurocentric definition of history that excludes pretty much every culture that didn't develop writing and focuses exclusively on capitalist societies as exclusively and uniquely bad while outright refusing to examine the evidence in its full scope.

I question it too! Then I question "Why is Hodj using it as an example of anything?"
I'm really not sure why you're having trouble comprehending that there is a claim made here that the history of humanity includes exclusively a history of class struggle, and that it is a quantifiable and verifiable fact that that simply is not the case.

Anyway, even Dumar's vaunted Frankfurt school disagrees with him

Critical theory was first defined by Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School of sociology in his 1937 essay Traditional and Critical Theory: Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Horkheimer wanted to distinguish critical theory as a radical, emancipatory form of Marxian theory, critiquing both the model of science put forward by logical positivism and what he and his colleagues saw as the covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism[6]

Core concepts are: (1) That critical social theory should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity (i.e. how it came to be configured at a specific point in time), and (2) That critical theory should improve understanding of society by integrating all the major social sciences, including geography, economics, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, and psychology.
Postmodern critical theory
While modernist critical theory (as described above) concerns itself with "forms of authority and injustice that accompanied the evolution of industrial and corporate capitalism as a political-economic system," postmodern critical theory politicizes social problems "by situating them in historical and cultural contexts, to implicate themselves in the process of collecting and analyzing data, and to relativize their findings".[13]Meaning itself is seen as unstable due to the rapid transformation in social structures. As a result, the focus of research is centered on local manifestations, rather than broad generalizations.

Postmodern critical research is also characterized by the crisis of representation, which rejects the idea that a researcher's work is an "objective depiction of a stable other." Instead, many postmodern scholars have adopted "alternatives that encourage reflection about the 'politics and poetics' of their work. In these accounts, the embodied, collaborative, dialogic, and improvisational aspects of qualitative research are clarified".[14]

The Ancient_sl

I'm really not sure why you're having trouble comprehending that there is a claim made here that the history of humanity includes exclusively a history of class struggle, and that it is a quantifiable and verifiable fact that that simply is not the case.
Unless you are seriously brain deficient the implication is understood that he isn't talking about periods where class struggle couldn't possibly exist.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
the problem here is that the development of society is the reflection the Marxist narrative, includingsuicide.

it shouldn't have to be**


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Unless you are seriously brain deficient the implication is understood that he isn't talking about periods where class struggle couldn't possibly exist.
Right, Marxists get to say that the history of history is class struggle, then when called on it, they get to say "Well, what we REALLY MEAN is that the history of WRITTEN history is class struggle"

But then there comes that racist Eurocentric interpretation of the only valid history as that which implicitly requires writing to be considered even human. As Dumar said "Bipeds and chimpanzees versus people".

Anyway, I call that weasel words. Saying something you mean, but then when called on it for how blatantly ignorant and stupid it is, backpedaling and claiming you really meant it a different way.


Unless you are seriously brain deficient...
Ding ding ding!

the problem here is that the development of society is the reflection the Marxist narrative, includingsuicide.

it shouldn't have to be**
I appreciate that, as an English as a second language speaker, you take the time to edit your posts when you find errors in them. However, I still don't know what you're trying to say here.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tanoomba shitting up another thread.

The community voted, let's give them what they want.


Unelected Mod
Even just calling all european ethnocentric history a class struggle is pretty stupid anyway. It completely ignores how history is filled with struggles based solely on differences in religion, without pretty much any basis in class struggle.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
there are many, many schools of thought when it comes to history. Marxism was pretty popular during the 60s. It's slowly grinding to a halt.


Unelected Mod
there are many, many schools of thought when it comes to history
Sure, all kinds of schools of thought, all of which point out how stupid it is to say that history is all about class struggle. It is just that I am on an atheist book reading binge atm and so religiously based conflicts were on my mind.

edit: Really liking The End of Faith by Sam Harris atm. Not as funny as Hitchens but better arguments without the vitriol that Hitchens lets out sometimes.