Lord Nagafen Raider
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I thought you didn't vilify profit? Do you know what profit is? It's the reward for an individual or a firm finding a way to create more value from less value. Taking X amount of resources as an input, and creating Y amount of resources as an output, where Y > X. That's what profit is, plain and simple.When you put minds to solving these problems without the end goal being "to make as much profit as possible" you get amazing results.
Seriously man, read that again. Why will our most limited resources be put to the best use? Who's going to decide what the "best use" is? How do you know they're telling the truth, and not abusing the power you're giving them for their own gain? What incentives do those people have to use those resources to "improve the quality of life for the largest number of people"? Are we just relying on their good spirit and love of their fellow man to make sure they do what's best for the community?Has that EVER worked?Our most limited resources will be put to the best use they can to improve the quality of life for the greatest number of people. This can be objectively determined through scientific analysis and can be further refined as those who choose to study resource consumption get new ideas (which would then be considered by other experts who work together to get the best possible result instead of competing against each other for a bigger piece of the pie).
Objective scientific analysis? Do you know how much work it takes to do proper scientific research? You're going to use "objective scientific research" to decide the production and allocation of every single thing in the economy? Do you have any idea how many different goods there are in any given modern economy? There's millions upon millions of decisions that need to be made EVERY DAY about production and allocation of resources, reacting to variables that are all changing constantly. It's completely outside the realm of possibility to actively manage the economy on that level. Even if every single person on the planet had a Ph.D. and was doing "objective scientific research", and even if we assumed they all were perfectly altruistic angels just trying to make the world a better place (hint: they're not), you still couldn't process that level of information and make informed decisions.
Think about how much goes in to these decisions every day right now. How much steel should be producing? How much of it goes to make cars, how much to make knives, how much to make steel beams for buildings? How many buildings do we need? Where do we need them? Who's going to build them? What kind of tools do they need? Who's going to make the tools? What are the tools made of? Who decides whether we use a 12V battery of an 8V battery? How many feet per floor on this building? What about the copper wiring? Do the suites need space for internet wiring? Where does it go?
Seriously dude, think about the magnitude of the decision making process in a modern economy. It's fucking unfathomably large. No central authority can possibly hope to manage it efficiently, EVEN IF you just assume away human nature and pretend they would be motivated to do what's "right".
Worries about limited resources will NEVER become moot, because there will always be less resources available than people want to use. No matter how much more productive we become, it's human nature to want more. It's commonly referred to as the fundamental problem of Economics. Human wants are always larger than available resources, so some form of rationing must exist. You keep railing against money as if it's the root of all evil, but money is nothing, it's an illusion. Money has no inherent value. It's only value is in what you can trade it for. It's a unit of measurement, a store of value, out of convenience.I'm not suggesting providing an infinite supply of anything to anyone because that's retarded. But a lot of worries about limited resources would become moot once we use science and technology to figure out alternatives. Unlike with Capitalism, where we're actively burning through as many non-renewable resources as we possibly can. You're going to tell me what we're doing now is more responsible?
Take oil. We remain super-dependent on it even though we cannot produce more of it and it will certainly run out at some point. Is it because we have no choice? Fuck no! It's because there's too much money in it. We don't need oil to power vehicles or provide heat for homes or even produce plastic. There are less harmful, less wasteful and more responsible alternatives for all these uses of oil. The chances of society taking a huge punch to the gut once oil runs out are far higher under Capitalism than they would be under the Venus Project, so don't tell me money is balancing out resource consumption.
You have a fundamental lack of understanding of basic economic concepts. Pick up a basic economics book and just try to read it with no preconceived notions.