If you read my posts you would see I keep saying this game likely wont be for me. All I've said is that there is no way the game wont eventually release, and the article about Squadron 42 was bullshit. If you really think that makes me a white knight then I pity you and your disappointed parents.
I don't know but most stuff they show in videos ends up in the beta version which people can end up playing for real, and there are lots of videos on youtube of people playing it, and I've seen some amazing stuff already. It is really weird how there are so many childlike retards out there who want make some drama about the game never releasing or whatever other bullshit. I am not sure why it happens, I assume people just bandwagon that particular wagon because it is more fun to them than actually reading the facts about the game. It is especially sad to me because there are some REAL question marks about this game and nobody seems to be questioning them because everyone is either a fanboy with a raging hardon, or a retarded little kid desperate to convince people this game will nevarrr hapin. RIP normal gamers.
My god are you stupid. Yes, there ARE some real question marks about this game, that's why so many people are hating on it. After 4 years, at least 5 studios, and a hundred million dollars, the CORE ELEMENTS OF THE GAME STILL AREN'T WORKING!!! The basic components and mechanics that make a video game work still don't exist, so yes, that's a pretty fucking big deal after 4 years of working on a game, and the fact that the basic functions of the game still aren't working, makes it extremely difficult to believe that this game will be ready by 2017. But it's cute that you think just because you can tool around a little bit with a couple of other people that the game is almost ready.
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