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I think at least a number of the ships that are being sold are being bought by some of the subsidiaries of CGI.
Nothing pushes a whale like the idea "other people will have better stuff".
I hear what you all are saying, 100% I do. Your reasons are legit reasons to NOT buy into the project.
I also think the reasons are slightly paranoid.
The major assumption I hear is that no one is confirming that it isn't a ponzi scheme (That is the scheme you all are talking about). A ponzi scheme is REALLY easy to detect though. The main reason that people get away with them for a long time is usually lack of exposure and lack of public information.
The development of this game is not lacking exposure (It's basically an industry talking point) it isn't lacking public information (it IS lacking as it pertains public to financials).
Combined, those two things possibly add up to an investigation. While you and I may not have the financial information on Chris Roberts and his shell companies, tax collection and government agencies do.
An audit of this type of thing isn't even remotely hard. Take the CSV's, have a script filter through them looking for transactions between related parties, if you find some and they aren't an immaterial value, dig deeper. Digging deeper is the part where they are informed that they are under investigation and now must submit anything and everything requested OR have a reasonable (legally) explanation for omission.
As far as I am aware, transactions between related parties in a software development company would raise a few flags (depending on if it is industry standard or not). It isn't even remotely hard to detect either, it's common in manufacturing where you deal with unfinished goods transferring from subs to parent, but I don't know about that line of reasoning when it comes to software development. IF CIG is trying to do this, it may not be industry standard and, if that is the case, they would have a hell of a legal situation on their hands trying to explain why they are deviating from industry standards.
It wouldn't even be the first time someone has done this, so I mean...it COULD be the case...but extremely unlikely since this project has a ton of exposure and a decent amount of people like you all suggesting that fraud / a ponzi is happening.
I'm not saying that "It's not possible!" it just isn't all that probable. I haven't even taken into account the "Business Partnerships" they have undertaken into this debate because the stance (of fraud / ponzi) becomes a lot less tenable if you add them into the pot.
Businesses like money, 100%. They also like KEEPING their money and getting involved with a Ponzi is pretty much a nail in the coffin to a major business for the sake of competition. This is the case even if your business isn't directly related to the Ponzi. The government HATES ponzi schemes because it throws public trust to the wind and impacts more than just those involved. Historically people involved in ponzi schemes get hit insanely hard in their punishments. I mean, look at Bernie Madoff -- 150 YEARS in prison. Man you could kill a bitch in some states and be out on parole before Bernie.
I know you and I haven't seen the financials but I would sincerely doubt that Intel / Nvidia haven't requested financials before doing business with them in a meaningful way. I really doubt they would connect themselves with something so blatantly in the ponzi territory as someone attempting to game the "transactions between related parties" system.
Take intel, if they got involved in this after requesting financials (Which is pretty much standard for large sum investment (Large as defined by law OR policy)) and it was determined that it was a ponzi after the fact, intel would likely be in the list of defendants. At that point it wouldn't be a small claim against the group, it would be a SEC investigation. During an investigation, you aren't talking a small amount of money, millions have been spent during SEC investigations.
TL;DR -- Buy or don't buy, I really do not care.
Sure it may seem like I'm talking a lot or swearing a lot to "not care" but I just like talking / typing shit out and messing with people. I care more about shooting the shit with people then whether or not people think positively about CIG.
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