Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well, I just finished reading Derek Smart new article...can I have those 10 minutes back please.

Nothing really new, he's just rewriting the same stuff but much longer.

This was a huge disappointment, I expected to learn that Chris was on drugs, and exec producer was sleeping with an intern or something.

Somewhat funny, Derek Smart got refunded. He's now talking to legal to see if he can refuse it because he didn't ask for it. It seems that no longer being a backer might keep him out of the loop.


You gotta wait for his 3rd article going up today I think after it clears "Legal" for that to happen.
Heh, so I skimmed his 3rd article. No way I could read it word for word without going cross-eyed. He's basically just summarizing what has happened so far from his point of view and rehashing his "points" from his first article. Nothing new, except for some crazy demands like Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardner (who he calls Sandra Roberts) need to step down immediately.

On another note, I think a big update might his the PTU today - might have some interesting patch notes, but I'm not going to download and install the PTU - the last time I did, it was a rather large install and a headache to get started, and then I didn't really have time to do an real testing.


That's one salty dude.

On another note ben lesnick did an interview with some germans on twitch. It has a few bits of info about it suggesting that star marine is now about 8/10 complete but that he doesn't think that's the most interesting thing coming down the line.


Here is a summary

24:00 ish

AC 2.0 map will take 2 hours to cross at maximum speed (In a 350r?)


Response to operation pitchfork is called "iron hay ball". The server will probably crash and the outcome will impact the story of the PU. If the server crashes then they'll try again.

29:50ish & 58:00ish

Wave 5. Dragonfly. Smaller ships to fill out established roles like mining and salvaging. Other heavy and medium fighters, etc..


Starmarine is 8/10 complete but Ben thinks it's the least interesting thing they got coming up


Confirmation that the S&R mechanic about being able to split into an npc and respawn at the same time or choosing to wait for a rescue is still the direction they are going. New info is that choosing to respawn instead of waiting will count as loosing a "life".


Avenger: Will likely get an update in general to be closer to its intended role. Will happen in relation to the fleshing out of the 3 variants.


Reloadable missile launcher on Constellation is a modular section that can fit into all the Constellation variants. Ships the size of a Constellation and up will likely be able to fit it. It will require a crewmember (or you getting out of your chair) for the reloading.

44:00ish & 49:00ish

Confirmation about environmental hazards. Meteor storms and such. Also planet side hazards like needing protective gear to exit the ship and dealing with gravity. And then talk about them using hazards as GM-tools, like even turning a star into a supernova state.


Both asteroids and meteoroids will be in the game. Some "asteroids"(meteoroids) in an asteroid field will move.


Plenty of space stations and variance among them. They will be made of modular tile sets. (48:00) To conquer one you will likely need to blockade it


Talk about future pledge options and the possibility to design your own package. Ben says that they don't want to sell packages without ships because it "confuses people who have never heard about Star Citizen before"


Ben is the one holding back the new ship stage page because he haven't had a chance to review it.


CR's vision is that as far as possible we will not be able to distinguish players from NPC.


Command modules will give you a holographic display like in a rts game.


No economy node control at launch but it's in the plan.


Capital ship battles are like "ship of the line" combat. (The Idris is flying now.)


F8 will likely be "civilianized" in the PU (Like the C version of the Hornet.) as an event.


Ship landing, water hangars and launch to get to your ship- talk.


Aliens (and stuff like xenomorph aliens.) and random encounters.


Stealth talk. Hiding behind asteroids.


AC fleet battle talk.


Patch 1.1.5 talk


Diseases. Mission talk


Ben loves the Retailator.


Multicrew: What happens if the shipowner/pilot disconnects or logs off. Committing mutiny.


Gamescom sale. Orion mentioned. If you buy in person you get ship registration papers.


Server question about crowded instances that Ben can't answer. Ben will try to get someone to help them figure it out.


Ben answers a Dereck Smart related question. He compares it to general critique. Ben tells us that we're going to see some incredible progress in the next few weeks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Nice, thank you.

CR's vision is that as far as possible we will not be able to distinguish players from NPC.
Unless they make PC's walk all the time, or NPC's run all the time, the distinction will be pretty clear, as always.


Nice, thank you.

Unless they make PC's walk all the time, or NPC's run all the time, the distinction will be pretty clear, as always.
Yea that part seems dumb, I have literally no hope for them to pull that off. The NPCs would have to be prone to fergetting what they are doing, firing their weapons for no reason, jupming randomly, spinning around, and just standing still staring at a nothing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think at this point the best answer to a lot of the bullshit arguments is content. Either Star Marine will impress or it won't. Why the fuck do you think they are holding it back. All this bullshit has basically become self fulfilling and Travis Day said as much during his FPS interview that clearly nobody here watched. By the time they got a marginally working version they wanted to push, people were up in arms about how impressed they have to be with it or it better be good for the wait. To those of you loudly banging the drums this whole time... You dumb motherfuckers. SC has been in dev for what 3 years? 4.25 if you really stretch it and include the million plus Chris blew out of his own pocket to make the pitch video with placeholder assets and worked with basically 2-3 people including a couple of people at Crytek pro bono some of whom have since been hired in the past year plus Dave who wrote the SQ42 script. Go ahead and start looking around the dev times on AAA titles. It's anywhere from 5-10 years not including pre-development which is the design doc. The level of uneducated dumbfuckery required to actually think they can take a AAA game of this scope and shit out its guts in a few months is astounding. EA with its virtually unlimited budget for AAA games will work on the guts with almost nothing to show for about 5 years before you get to see anything resembling content. SC would have to spend the next 2 years, by that measure, before showing us anything remotely playable.

Is that the case? No? Then maybe you can stop with the torches and pitchforks and let them work. Some of you are the very reason we don't fucking have an early Alpha Star Marine and instead have to wait months so they can polish it at least to the point of where AC is now which took a year to reach... in months.

Sorry but I had to get that off my chest. People can be fucking stupid but stupid shouldn't be allowed to spread like a virus.
I still like this game, like you and am glad you're posting about SC here, but this is the kind of virulence that comes out of a fan who is losing confidence in the product =\


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think they're being honest about the timeframes with the full PU release, but I'm pretty strongly convinced this will make it to market with many/most of the advertised features eventually. And in the interim I think we will have a cool dogfighting simulator that will eventually be a cool capital ship boarding simulator.

But a PU with a full economy and seemless transitions from planetside to space? 2020+.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think they're being honest about the timeframes with the full PU release, but I'm pretty strongly convinced this will make it to market with many/most of the advertised features eventually. And in the interim I think we will have a cool dogfighting simulator that will eventually be a cool capital ship boarding simulator.

But a PU with a full economy and seemless transitions from planetside to space? 2020+.
I don't think any developer is ever honest with time frames anymore. So many bullshit release dates that get pushed back that it doesn't even phase me anymore.


I still like this game, like you and am glad you're posting about SC here, but this is the kind of virulence that comes out of a fan who is losing confidence in the product =\
Sometimes we see what we want to see. But sometimes people say utterly stupid shit completely divorced from reality. When nobody even attempts to steer that shit back towards the shores of even relative reason and just lets them spew more bullshit page after page it can grind the whole discussion down.

You can accuse me of being a lot of things, I don't care, but there is one thing nobody can say. I have been nothing but honest. I myself have said numerous times this project is going to be delayed easily up to a year past CIG's own timelines for development. Forget feature cutting. I'm talking about the guts of the game including all chapters of SQ42 and the PU.

Having said that I had a hard time swallowing and almost immediately abandoned the notion that Chris was going to push this game out in 2.5-3 years. That shit was never going to happen. Even he finally abandoned that with a letter he posted about the time AC was delayed so we are talking a year and a half or so ago. I don't care how much experience someone has in the industry people have to be careful about what these people suggest they can do within a certain period of time. I'm sure he could have shat out a barely working game in 3 years just not one anyone would be happy with.

If the delay part of the discussion was about the reality of what actually happened or happening you know what I would gladly let the torches and pitchforks continue. Hell I would bring some gas to fuel the fire. But some of the shit that has been said is just so far out there it's indefensible. Nobody said shit about it. I didn't want to draw attention to one specific person because it wasn't just one person doing it. It got to the point of me thinking nobody is that stupid or they are just trolling everyone. That's when I had to say something.

As for confidence in the game my confidence has fuck and all to do with it. I think it's just my personal life struggle is slightly bleeding through my comments and for that I apologize. Just someone had to say something.


Ship status:https://forums.robertsspaceindustrie...31/ship-status

Star Marine Update:


So after reading the Star Marine update I'm not convinced we will see it hit even the PTU in the next 4 weeks. They are still writing the code to a point where it can communicate directly with the server nevermind trying to handle player to player prediction. They spent the last month or two at least writing that code so I wouldn't put it past them fixing the server side code in the next 4 weeks but making it playable for everyone where they are happy? I'm not seeing it. There are tons of games out now with years of post development that still have netcode issues but of course they also have 32+ players.

But who knows these are the same guys that completed the 64bit Big World conversion and allowed for double the players in AC (from 8 to 16) during this same timeframe. I wouldn't put it past them to pull a rabbit out of their ass. Ben mentioned in RtV this week that every day he is seeing communication about the CryTek guys improving BigWorld and basically doubling it's size on an almost daily basis. I guess we just have to be patient and see how this plays out.


So after reading the Star Marine update I'm not convinced we will see it hit even the PTU in the next 4 weeks. They are still writing the code to a point where it can communicate directly with the server nevermind trying to handle player to player prediction. They spent the last month or two at least writing that code so I wouldn't put it past them fixing the server side code in the next 4 weeks but making it playable for everyone where they are happy? I'm not seeing it. There are tons of games out now with years of post development that still have netcode issues but of course they also have 32+ players.

But who knows these are the same guys that completed the 64bit Big World conversion and allowed for double the players in AC (from 8 to 16) during this same timeframe. I wouldn't put it past them to pull a rabbit out of their ass. Ben mentioned in RtV this week that every day he is seeing communication about the CryTek guys improving BigWorld and basically doubling it's size on an almost daily basis. I guess we just have to be patient and see how this plays out.
Personally, I'm convinced that they already have it working good enough for "alpha" and that they are just polishing to make it as good as possible for a reveal at Gamescom. None of the "blockers" sound like real blockers - more like annoying bugs, like, as you say, many online games have and work on post release.


Personally, I'm convinced that they already have it working good enough for "alpha" and that they are just polishing to make it as good as possible for a reveal at Gamescom. None of the "blockers" sound like real blockers - more like annoying bugs, like, as you say, many online games have and work on post release.
Unfortunately/fortunately you would be wrong.

Ben said during the last RtV that Gamescom has nothing to do with FPS. It's not even on a bullet-point to be discussed and they already have the 8 page script for the entire event done.

Gamescom is Multi-Crew and other stuff which is about as much information we are going to get until the event.

FPS had it's reveal and now it's time for the other studios to shine and show off what they are working on.

As for the blockers for FPS you haven't been paying attention here. Too many critical eyes on FPS now. They simply cannot do a release like it was with the original AC. The games media picked up on the discontent and ran with it. Both Chris and previous Travis has mentioned that it's now a priority to polish what they will reveal because it's now expected.

To me it's absolute stupidity and I lay full blame on the 2%ers both here and elsewhere. Barely functioning monkeys that spend their free time flinging poo to make themselves feel better. So while you may be thinking along the same lines I do and that they should just release it as is and let us give er and give feedback and just get it over with that's no longer possible. Expectations have been raised and that bar is no longer going to go lower. Expect the same for future modules etc. You can forget a broken Alpha for SQ42 it won't happen and they just said so the other week.

CIG basically got burned because Chris was too open with their internal release schedule and despite him repeating, "we hope", "hopefully" and various other terms to hold back the flood of stupid look what happened. People openly discussing hard dates for release which anyone paying attention knows is bullshit and it was only ever a goal at best. That didn't stop them.

So here we are. Slaves to the mass of poo flingers. Thank them for me.