Yeah, the featurecreep is not even my greatest worry, it is the fact that they seem to be completely oblivious to feedback about stuff like having to sit through a ridiculous and nauseating *locked* animation with everything you do. To name one thing.
The clunkiness and unresponsiveness are another: try finding that sweet spot under your Ship where you finally manage to evoke the "USE" command so that you can lock yourself into another wonderful, nauseating, 8 second lasting locked animation where you climb the airlock. And then repeat the whole thing by trying to evoke the correct "USE" command so you can get into your chair through another locked animation. Off course if you did not move far enough into the vehicle you may have evoked the "USE" command of the airlock again instead, and now you are outside again!!! (after 8 seconds of unrealistic swirling vision off course).
Before this, you already had to endure such an animation when you woke up in your bunk, and then off course the fun of going through the airlock.

Even using the monitor to select a ship feels clunky. They really need to make the whole "Use" thing better, there are a million MMO's that got this down to perfection. And get rid of the animations off course. Or at the least make sure your vision stays fixed on one point. You know, like in the real world when you move your head. Just seems like a horrible flaw of the engine where your view apparently is locked to a pair of fixed eye-balls.
I am also kinda starting to dislike the shiny, reflective, techy, greyish look of everything. You really have to look for some color (a billboard here and there, a uniform). I know they are going for a certain style and it is hard to implement some "soft" look into such a world but still. Probably very personal.