what Suineg set it to
Please, take this to the official boards. Please.
ROFL ask them if women will be required to change their tampons/pads if they elect not to use period altering hormone based birth control drugs.
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Please, take this to the official boards. Please.
lol guy's sceptic tank on ship was full so had to hold it in, dock to station quick run to the toilet, lose the pissing mini-game cuz piss comes out in hard to control streams and its the future so the peebot is always, ALWAYS watching. Get fined a large amount of money and get a notice that you cant dock out of the station unless you pay it. You decide to take the bartend mission for 20 hours to pay for the fine and have to plow through hours of players doing really bad StarTrek and star wars voice chat roleplay.Hey guys, can we make sure players have to aim where they pee or be fined for being unsanitary at space stations.
Trespasser was at least ahead of its time. Star Citizen has no such excuse.Did they buy the assets to the world's first hand simulator yet?
Why on earth would you be so gullible as to give up on on all these amazing ships, and future ships that will be even more amazing, simply based on FUD and nonsense spread around about by a bunch of goons who understand nothing about game development?
If you were to make a judgement based on the facts instead of Derek Smart's crazy ramblings, then you'd clearly be aware that Realistic ship damage, Ship subsystem energy manipulation, Hired NPC's, Shuttles, Immersive haggling, Stellar Cartography, a Stock Market, Organizations, Radar information relay, Spaceports, Transportation, Cruising jobs, Voting for in game politicians, Player owned factories, Group mining, organization infiltration, Mineral refinement, Aliens, Scanning Software, Artifact hunting, Dynamic NPC social interactions, Electronic Warfare and Hacking, Space Monsters, Crisis-like vegetation and self-sustaining ecosystems, Black holes, cargo damage, Varied laws and rules for different enviornments, Base-building, Eating and showering, Space illnesses, contagion and epidemics and player-run medical facilities for players to treat them, 20 million AI agents, Science profession, Plant growth and Botanics, infrared, visible, and gamma spectrum universe scanning, Mining, refineries, Procedural wildlife and birds and weather, Farming, Trading, Sandworms and 99.5 Star Systems are all just around the corner.
Chris is making good progress on all of those and we are all going to have fun playing with these features within a reasonable time frame that CIG is perfectly capable of, except for those like you who are simply too impatient to wait just slightly longer and can't see just how far Star Citizen has come.
@Variise was the resident whale (also suspected shill). We shot him down so much he's fucked off and hasn't even logged in for 21 weeks.
Company spokesman says that the information in the Reddit thread is mostly fabricated and the refund was for $300.... Hmmmm, who to believe -)
Log in after a two week vacation somewhere, die immediately from not taking an in-game shit for weeks.
We’re showing what we’re doing every week.