lower decks is really good, i was resistant for a long time too since i just figured its more Discovery tier shit in animated form, but the writers are trek nerds and pull a lot of deep lore. Its very short too, I binged through 4 seasons in like 2 weeks. Finale has aired and its all over. The first 2 seasons are probably stronger than the last 2 but overall I liked it all.
i have no idea what the shit storm about discovery above is but i don't remember anything from the lower decks finale "erasing" it from canon or anything. It was just multiversal shit that ended up, like everything else in star trek, not really mattering at all.
the next two big things are that shitty Section 31 movie with Michelle Yeoh, at least its a 2h movie and not a 9 hour snoozefest, and then Star Trek Academy with STDs fattie redhead as one of the leads. i think thats a show that'll be pretty safe to skip and hopefully cancelled after 1 season. no clue whats coming after that though, I know the lead character for Lower Decks is pitching their own new animated comedy trek show but dunno what else is on the launch pad. You'd think they would be ready with a big new future Enterprise-led show.