Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
- 12,487
- 18,947
Okay, its bull for them to keep latching on to prime timeline when via licensing etc. its not - its either the new movies timeline or its own.
Btw maybe I just missed it.
I didn't realize for the 2 part premier that part 1 was on CBS and part 2 was on streaming right afterwards
This looks fucking terrible
Super hero landing "GO!"
The British colonel from The Patriot reprising his role as warmonger
Klingons vs Predator
JJ Flare
Green ball torpedos
Constipated Asian Captain
Transvaginapenisface alien
Blue phasers
Matrix graphics forcefields
Neckbeard villian
Green torpedos are Klingon (them and romulans have green disrupters and plasma beams, and green plasma torpedos).
Blue phasers are Original Series era.
And these look like photon cannons, not phasers. Phasers are beams, not bursts.
And as far as the forcefields are concerned, TNG, DS9, and VOY used salt scattered over a surface to create the effect. Those used in this look very much like an advancement of Reid's initial design from ENT.
Sorry, my nerd is coming out. And showing the disingenuous and ignorant disdain of "fans". Though I'm not going to disagree with the character assumptions. There's definitely the feel of SJW bullshit in action.
Well, I didn't remember the Klingon disrupters on TOS being green balls but you're right. However phasers are still red?
I don't know if they're photon cannons obviously I don't think it's clear what the tech should be in the new alt-universe, so maybe?
This looks fucking terrible
Super hero landing "GO!"
The British colonel from The Patriot reprising his role as warmonger
Klingons vs Predator
JJ Flare
Green ball torpedos
Constipated Asian Captain
Transvaginapenisface alien
Blue phasers
Matrix graphics forcefields
Neckbeard villian
TNG and beyond they were red, because the phasers were an array, as opposed to a single ejection point. If you look at the effects, the energy cascaded across a line before ejecting the beam, allowing a much more powerful directed energy force. Again, Trek nerding out here. The blue was endemic to the original, and I believe only the remastered version. Haven't gone back and watched TOS in its original format, because it looks fucking awful. The Motion Picture uses a cannon style phaser that is red (phaser bursts, as opposed to beams). So if the setting is supposed to be between the phase cannons of ENT and the phaser burst of TOS, blue makes some sense.Yes I guess they were blue, it's hard to tell what's from what now. I keep remembering them as red from the movies.
A bit part of why Star Trek Open Bracket 2009 Closed Bracket worked for me and why I mostly like the new films is that the TNG movies were just so fucking terrible. After Star Trek Nemesis I was just done with the whole fucking series. I was ready for something new.
Must as how TNG decayed over time this looks like what you get when the JJ Abrams style of Star Trek decays and boy is it not pretty. I wish they would have done something new with this or brought the franchise back to its intellectual roots but that ain't what we are getting.