I'm sure this has been said in this thread. This I assume is leading up to that TNG episode where they were developing cloaking or some shit, with the ship phased into the asteroid?
And what the hell is "black alert"? Red alert not severe enough for nipple piercing?
I will give them credit for doing their level best to keep "the twist" under wraps.
Which is......?
Whether or not it's a mirror universe or they're actually Section 31.
It would if the entire series takes place in the mirror universe.why would a ST show set its primary characters and starship in mirror universe for the first season?
Which is......?
It would if the entire series takes place in the mirror universe.
That was exactly what I came here to post. So edgy! And just in case you missed it, we're going to repeat it to make sure that you heard it, and your kids heard it!Oh my, they said Fuck twice! boldly going where no Star Trek has gone before!