Star Trek: Discovery


Avatar of War Slayer
my fav is actually DS9 s4 w/ the Defiant in the intro

When my oldest daughter was a baby she would instantly stop whatever she was doing crying, playing, eating - whatever- when the DS9 music turned on and she would stare at it raptured...once it ended, right back to whatever it was she was doing.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
There's two different TNG intros. When NASA got flyover shots of Saturn, they changed the intro to include those shots, as well as toned down the DONG sound. What was that, season 3? 4?


Avatar of War Slayer
I mean, if we start talking about just sci-fi intros..

Babylon 5 had the best with each season changing and advancing. I need to re-watch good
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Babylon 5 had the best with each season changing and advancing. I need to re-watch good

I just re-watched those last night after mentioning B5 in the 'best series of all time' thread. Music was phenomenal. God I loved that series.
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Avatar of War Slayer
B5 is an awesome watch...and re-watch with the "movies" in the proper spots.

re watch it all with the perspective that Gkar and Lando are the main characters - and perhaps POV chars of the entire thing...if you haven't figured it out yet lol
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B5 is an awesome watch...and re-watch with the "movies" in the proper spots.

re watch it all with the perspective that Gkar and Lando are the main characters - and perhaps POV chars of the entire thing...if you haven't figured it out yet lol
What's frustrating is that I've begged friends to watch B5 but they can never make it past the first handful of episodes. I guess the special effects haven't aged well but, honestly, I think the later seasons still look pretty decent.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
B5 is definitely hard to get into, but man, once you do... some folks just don't like the political stuff.
And what the hell are you talking about, Gkar and Lando *are* the main characters. They "kill" the captain after season 1, and so many other characters seem to come and go like a fuckin' soap opera of sorts. Could also say Delenn (shellhead lady) was a major character, but it was more her species than her character that were a predominant part of the overall story. Them and, shit, now I've gone and made myself depressed thinking about the death of Kosh (the robot).
I really need to give that show another watch through. I don't think I've seen the "movies"?

BSG also changed their intro each season, hell, sometimes multiple times within a single season.


Avatar of War Slayer
B5 is definitely hard to get into, but man, once you do... some folks just don't like the political stuff.
And what the hell are you talking about, Gkar and Lando *are* the main characters. They "kill" the captain after season 1, and so many other characters seem to come and go like a fuckin' soap opera of sorts. Could also say Delenn (shellhead lady) was a major character, but it was more her species than her character that were a predominant part of the overall story. Them and, shit, now I've gone and made myself depressed thinking about the death of Kosh (the robot).
I really need to give that show another watch through. I don't think I've seen the "movies"?

BSG also changed their intro each season, hell, sometimes multiple times within a single season.

Right, most people figure it out- and its very obvious once you start to pay attention - but at general glance its not "their story" they are just big parts of it- but it is theirs... its why they are also last on the intros always.

I was mostly saying, if you did manage to get through a viewing without figuring it out- re-watching it with that specific mindset changes the way you see things.

Also the visuals are fine, its the background sets and makeup that is harsh in the pilot and S1

But do watch the 2-3 episodes released a few years ago in HD, its really nice just to watch the intro in HD and see B5 in HD glory


Tranny Chaser
The Kosh reveal was when you realized that JMS really did have the long game in mind. To this day I can't watch the 'escape' scene in Sleeping in Light without choking up and realizing everything was setting that shit up from day fucking one.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm rewatching B5 now and I forgot how many hints are littered throughout season 1.


Avatar of War Slayer
You mean 'angel'.

Wasn't it god(s) as the other races saw their main or 2ndary deity? they just for human didnt want to put Jesus or something so it was an angel like thing for human - but the others I thought they said a name of a god.

The actual long term 5 year arch was why B5 was awesome- and why DS9 became awesome because they started to have a long goal - same way why I think Discovery could be good if they have even a 1 season start-middle-end
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I caught up on this today (watched all 5 episodes back to back) and it's not that bad. I think you guys have forgotten how completely ridiculous most episodes of ST in all forms were.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The holodeck going crazy, a temporal paradox occurring, and a random alien incursion happening on the same day is more believable than the spore drive. And for them to do it in this time period and make it the focus of the show is even more ridiculous.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The holodeck going crazy, a temporal paradox occurring, and a random alien incursion happening on the same day is more believable than the spore drive. And for them to do it in this time period and make it the focus of the show is even more ridiculous.

Predict the spore drive will be technically infeasible for "reasons" after a few episodes.
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<Prior Amod>
Ok, i tried really hard to like this, and i think for those that haven't watched this atrocity yet, try this

Skip the 1st episode ENTIRELY, it's not needed

Goto 10minutes into the second episode... what do you miss? a dumb bitch trying to show up everyone cuz of diversity.

And Space Dindus, holy shit, they've boiled down the honorable Klingons into space Dindus

So you get a really nice space battle, and it's really enjoyable b/c the American Inventor bitch isn't there to fuck up the screen.

Once the awesome action is being interrupted by the bitch American Inventor, skip again to 17mins and continue to enjoy

Then again at 24mins, there will be annoying bitch American Inventor again, at this point they'll keep on injecting the bitch American Inventor every 2mins, just keep on skipping, and you'll finally enjoy STD.

Actually i'm caught up now, it's not bad...

You just have to skip the parts with the bitch American Inventor, but it is still pretty horrible.

5 episodes in, they decide to the schtik of having the captain captured and tortured...

Unless you have something even remotely Professor Xavier

Don't bother.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I caught up on this today (watched all 5 episodes back to back) and it's not that bad. I think you guys have forgotten how completely ridiculous most episodes of ST in all forms were.

While plot holes and cheesy scenes certainly characterized many a Star Trek, the hamfisted SJW'ness if off the charts here for me imho. I just caught up on episode 5, and shit was awful. The moral handwringing over the mole monster, American Inventor chick defying orders (again) because of feels, and of course the Doctor and Engineer had to be cohabitating homos.. I mean, I'm working from memory here, but is the only straight white male on the show the captain? The same captain that killed his whole crew and is painted as somewhat unstable and nefarious?
  • 2Worf
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