Finally got around to seeing this tonight. I've got mixed feelings on it overall. It hit all the nostalgia buttons for me for sure. I thought the effects and the acting was all well done overall. I thought Cumberbatch did a pretty decent job at re-imagining Khan. I personally feel that Ricardo Montalban's performance was an impossible standard to hold Cumberbatch to so I was pretty forgiving of some of the voice-acting people were complaining about.
I didn't get the 'chess match' feel between Khan and the Enterprise crew like I did in Wrath, I wish they would have played up that more. Also I wish they would have found a way to end up with Khan and his crew on Ceti Alpha V. Overall the writing did leave me feeling like they just took a generic action movie, skinned it with Star Trek. Also, lens flare, yeah... I could handle it during some shots, but specifically when Carol was trying to talk her dad out of destroying the Enterprise it was terribly distracting.
One thing I noticed, when Kirk was flying into Qo'noS, did it look like Praxis had already exploded? Seems early in the timeline for that, but could be setting up the next movie. Klingons are aggressively expanding due to their homeworld dieing setting up a Klingon/Federation war.